Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: ruling

Posted by Knocky on 12-05-2008 00:07

could someone please clarify this decision that happened at the golden cue comp this weekend.
player a breaks off cue ball leaves table without hitting any balls,
player b has 2 shots
player b breaks off potting a ball but also the white ball
player a then clears up but leaves no shot on the black so sets it up due to the fact that he thinks he has 2 shots
player b tells player a he had only 1 shot as it was an inoff from the break,player a disagrees so both players go to the organisers for a ruling
the organisers then disagree among themselves but decide that it was 2 shots after lengthly discusion
is that the currect ruling ?
any thoughts

Posted by BigJake on 12-05-2008 00:13

The only way player A should have had two shots in the second frame is if player B didn't break a 'fair break' on the second game. This would happen if he didn't pot a ball off the break, and 4 balls didn't hit a cushion.

As player B potted the white and another ball on the break... so player A only gets one shot! :8ball:

Edited by BigJake on 12-05-2008 00:23

Posted by TomK on 12-05-2008 00:29

Definitely only 1 shot.

Posted by Sass on 12-05-2008 00:31

One shot. Ridiculous that anyone could come to any other decision unless there are further facts that are not in this thread.

Posted by Statto on 12-05-2008 01:39

A legal break is defined as 4 balls hitting a cushion, or potting one....therefore the penalty for any foul on the break is only one shot....WRONG DECISION!!!!!

Posted by Knocky on 12-05-2008 01:58

if indeed it is only 1 shot then the epa need to sort their sh*t out,
by the way it didnt deter our player as he won 3 2 (cheats never prosper):clap:

Posted by Sass on 12-05-2008 02:19

Statto wrote:
A legal break is defined as 4 balls hitting a cushion, or potting one....therefore the penalty for any foul on the break is only one shot....WRONG DECISION!!!!!

Actually that's not strictly true. For example if you send the cue ball off the table on an otherwise legal break the penalty is 2 visits to your opponent.

Posted by JugglingSpence on 12-05-2008 16:58

Isn't it ONLY putting the cue ball into a pocket that gives 1 visit to the opponent?

ALL other fouls incur 2 shots. For example if the CB screwed back into the players cue, the CB flew off the table or 4 balls not touching a cushion.

Posted by miq on 12-05-2008 20:07

So what teams from the Croydon were involved in the Golden Cue comp and how did they get on?