Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: div 5 choppers

Posted by gfizz on 15-07-2008 05:35

Tonight myself and Donna Evans played scotch doubles against Golden(ginger)and cocaine katie,needless to say the choppers bashed up the so called superstar and Golden :lol:and the dummy was definatly ready to been thrown across the room.We played so well that we are entering the scotch doubles together and hope we get Danny in the first round so we can again had his ass to him on a plate

Posted by Golden on 15-07-2008 06:10

:lol: @ Cocaine Katie

It was all Basra's fault . .

. . On a seperate note Grant, that big button on your keyboard with 'Enter' on it moves your cursor (the little blinking line) down a line every time you press it . . You should give it a go some time . . It's a liberating experience :nerner:

Edited by TheSaxtonator on 15-07-2008 06:44