Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Let's Get Controversial IV

Posted by Golden on 15-07-2008 21:21

Anything that gets your goat? Want to get something off your chest? Want to slag someone off and needed an excuse to do it?

Well here's your chance . . Be it pool related or not, vent your frustration about anyone or anything right here!

Neither Saxton or I will be moderating this thread . .

Edited by TheSaxtonator on 15-07-2008 21:51

Posted by miq on 15-07-2008 21:29

Players who wear flip-flops to matches should be banned for life.

Posted by Golden on 15-07-2008 21:37

Players who happily accept getting dropped for 12 year olds and take fashion advice from Gary Swettenham (I win)

Magnetic Chalk holders - Almost as bad as pot black cues from Argos

Women pool players - The only table you should be attending to is the dinner table

People who moan about World Rules and then play DF's - Back your nonsense up, refuse to play DF's and watch me dish you up

People who put more effort into talking about pool than playing it and turn out to be shit - Get your priorities straight

Edited by TheSaxtonator on 15-07-2008 21:42

Posted by Lils on 15-07-2008 21:39

Jamie Kay. Biggest mushroom ever;

"I'm a changed person. I don't let anything bother me."

(loses his frame and storms out)

"I only had one eye - I expect there'll be sarky comments, but I don't care."

(I post a picture of a cyclops)

"Grrrrrr, raah, raah, boo hoo, bastard poo bum dinkle head foo foo dundus."

( :lol: )

"I'm not ever posting again, I hate you all, delete me, delete meeeeeeeeeeee . . . "

(2 mins later)

"You're all idiots. I hate you all. I'm leaving forever. Goodbyeeeeeeeeeee . . . "

(5 mins later)

"What? I can post on here if I want."

Michael Huggins legs. He looks like 2 cocktail sticks with a sausage perched vertically on top.

Kyle looks like a gay rooster.

Grant Westbrook can't win a frame at number 1in Division 5 coz he's shit.

Chris Brooker is a fudger.

People who come out looking like they had tied their top in a knot shortly before they walked through the door.

Sandals and socks.

Cocaine Katie.

People who say 'Pacifically' instead of 'Specifically'.

Not being able to breathe through your nose when you have a cold, but when you blow your nose, there's nothing there.

Choking on chewing gum.

Darnell from Big Brother 9.

Geoff Martensz.


Posted by Golden on 15-07-2008 21:47

Pool Groupies - Should have their throats cut . . Either play pool (if you really have to) or go off home as your voice annoys me

Posted by Golden on 15-07-2008 21:50

Stinky Pool Players - If you want to stink that's one thing but don't play pool in what is usually a well populated area and share your nasty odour with those around you

Posted by Lils on 15-07-2008 21:52

Golden wrote:
Stinky Pool Players - If you want to stink that's one thing but don't play pool in what is usually a well populated area and share your nasty odour with those around you

Good call. We can smell it; why can't you?!

Posted by Shaggy on 15-07-2008 21:55

Anyone that bums up venues because the landlord has asked them too.

Posted by Golden on 15-07-2008 21:59

Big Fish Small Pond Syndrome - Come and play with the big boys and see how it's really done . . No point hiding in your own venue beating rubbish players is there?

Posted by ThePower on 15-07-2008 22:19

To those person or persons who find it actually funny to regularly deface the Farley Queen's (was Eagles) Treble winning board in the Farley...

Posted by JugglingSpence on 15-07-2008 22:26

My list of pet hates...

1) Noisey eaters... I'm amazed this hasn't resulted in any deaths yet, it annoys me so much I have to leave the room. How hard is it to keep your mouth shut when you eat FFS!

2) Bad manners or rude people... There's no need for people to behave like they're the most important person in the world because they're not.

3) People who see that shot that should have played. Their view from the bar obviously game them a better impression of the situation than my 3 laps of the table.

4) The fact that one day I'm unstoppable with a cue in my hand and the next I would lose to my Mum.

5) People called Mr Parris who tell you your cue will be ready in 8-10 weeks and then after 3 months tell you that 'It's hard to say how long it will be as it is still in it's early stages.

Posted by JugglingSpence on 15-07-2008 22:28

Oh yer, people who really slag someone off and then add a smiley at the end to pretend they were joking!

Posted by berty on 15-07-2008 23:00

Gunts & cueing gloves

Posted by Cyber The Crucifier on 15-07-2008 23:07

Whatever u think lils
it just shows your age
grow up

Posted by Golden on 15-07-2008 23:08

People who are like little kids that can't help but push the button that says "Do not push this button!"

Edited by TheSaxtonator on 15-07-2008 23:09

Posted by Cyber The Crucifier on 15-07-2008 23:11

Thats a very intelligent response

Posted by Lils on 15-07-2008 23:21

chaos wrote:
Whatever u think lils
it just shows your age
grow up


You never fail to amuse, do you?!!!!

Posted by miq on 15-07-2008 23:38

Golden wrote:
Players who happily accept getting dropped for 12 year olds and take fashion advice from Gary Swettenham (I win)

Gaz is my hero :bow:

I was disappointed as I didn't have the worst record coming into the match :box: :bite:

Posted by miq on 15-07-2008 23:42

Lils wrote:

Michael Huggins legs. He looks like 2 cocktail sticks with a sausage perched vertically on top.

Kyle looks like a gay rooster.


Posted by Brooker on 16-07-2008 00:22

People who stop at the top/bottom of esculators, if you don't know where you're going, why did you get on the damn thing in the first place.

I am not a fudger (that one snooker i played really got to you, didn't it)

Posted by Brooker on 16-07-2008 00:25

People who post twice in a row

Posted by Billy on 16-07-2008 00:26

Being stuck in a queue behind someone who is doing their weeks shopping in a petrol station tesco express when there is 1 person serving. Fcuking winds me up!!!

Posted by Coneycueist on 16-07-2008 00:45

Excessive use of smileys. Fucking grow up, you're not at school anymore and shouldn't need to rely on an animated object to express emotion. Fuckwit.

:wall::wall: :no::no: :lame::lame:

Edited by Coneycueist on 16-07-2008 00:58

Posted by Coneycueist on 16-07-2008 01:08


Posted by Cyber The Crucifier on 16-07-2008 03:08

Lils wrote:
chaos wrote:
Whatever u think lils
it just shows your age
grow up


You never fail to amuse, do you?!!!!

Nice picture of u and your husband
Your obsession with me is really not entertaining
so just give it up
and go back to your playpen
im off

Posted by JamieMc on 16-07-2008 03:18

back on topic.....

1) people who are more than friendly to your face, but use indirect aggression on a pool forum to get their message across...:):) tossers...:):)...did you see what i did there?

1.1) The inevitable paranoia from the above statement.....

2)People that smell, agree - Freemasons Tavern circa 1990 anyone???

3)People that jump in your cab to pool first; thus getting the front seat, get out first; thus avoiding payment for said cab, enter the pub first but head straight for the toilet; thus avoiding the first round.....Fortunately we have nobody in our team that does this :rofl:

I must be bored, blast these byes in each division....

Edited by JamieMc on 16-07-2008 03:21

Posted by Sass on 16-07-2008 03:38

We are at pool and I still have time to post on here :lol:

Posted by Statto on 16-07-2008 05:05

people who think they can do what they like......

Posted by keely on 16-07-2008 06:02

Women pool players - The only table you should be attending to is the dinner table

whats wrong with women pool players?

Posted by keely on 16-07-2008 06:06

you need to explain your self Golden??

Posted by Sniper on 16-07-2008 06:44

keely wrote:
you need to explain your self Golden??

Oh dear Dan is in trouble again :lol:

Posted by Lils on 16-07-2008 14:36

:omfg: :bounce:

Posted by Welshy on 16-07-2008 14:48

Pretty sure this would have been mentioned before, either on this thread or another but what is it with DF's favouring the person making the deliberates?

A nice rule change to activate rule 1 of the "spirit of the game" where the person on the receiving end of absolute fudge can take a free ball regardless of whether they can see their own ball. This way the person who actually plays "proper" can benefit.

Posted by Lils on 16-07-2008 14:53

But that's not World Rules.

Maybe we should make up a load of rules like were in place before so it favours players with zero talent!!

I know . . Maybe if a decent player plays a really good shot that the rubbish player has no chance of winning from, then that should be deemed 'against the spirit of the game' and the oncoming player gets to put the black down with his/her hand and win the frame.

I'll be sure to put in a proposal if someone could help me; I don't read and write too proper.

Posted by Golden on 16-07-2008 14:59

Female Pool Players - It's not acceptable to take 45 visits to finish a match . . Start the frame with the black on the spot and fire it round a few times . . That's how the frame usually ends anyway . . If you know how many times you've ever broke and dished then you're rubbish . . And your cues are generally shit too . .

Posted by angles on 16-07-2008 15:01


Posted by waynie1973 on 16-07-2008 15:23

Lils wrote:
Michael Huggins legs. He looks like 2 cocktail sticks with a sausage perched vertically on top.


Posted by Lils on 16-07-2008 15:31

Pool pleyers who big themselves up when they've done little or nothing of any consequence outside OR inside of their own local leagues.

People who respond with a 'what you say is what you are' mentality, then say they're never coming back but do.

Paul Saxton when he loses a frame; won't look the player in the eye or say 'well played' when giving a limp dick handshake, then starts BANGING his case around before back-scuttling out the door at pace. :mad:

So-called players who still piss and whinge about World Rules. Get over it - it's put 2 local Interleague teams in place and got a plethora of Croydon players involved in representing their County. And you're moaning when you pick up a cue once a week? Learn the rules properly and practice them and you might not get beaten all the time.

Players with excuses as to why they lost. (i.e. Gary Swettenham, Andy Esgrove, etc..) It's feasible that you MAY get a kick, a roll off or too much air moisture ( :lol: ) from time to time, but not EVERY frame you lose . . . Sometimes, it's simply because you missed.

Posted by JugglingSpence on 16-07-2008 15:47

Lils wrote:

Paul Saxton when he loses a frame; won't look the player in the eye or say 'well played' when giving a limp dick handshake, then starts BANGING his case around before back-scuttling out the door at pace. :mad:

That's what makes it so much fun when you beat him! :haha::chicken:

Posted by Knocky on 16-07-2008 15:49

people who do sponsered events,collect money from sponsers and forget to hand the money over to the said charity.
fran to empty his bladder before a long drive.

Posted by angles on 16-07-2008 15:51

JugglingSpence wrote:
Lils wrote:

Paul Saxton when he loses a frame; won't look the player in the eye or say 'well played' when giving a limp dick handshake, then starts BANGING his case around before back-scuttling out the door at pace. :mad:

That's what makes it so much fun when you beat him! :haha::chicken:

Sounds like chaos in disquise:elol:

Posted by Golden on 16-07-2008 16:16

People who believe anything they're told because they have the IQ of a sparrow . .

People who enjoy the smell of piss . .

Posted by ThePower on 16-07-2008 16:20

Players who suffer with attention seeking disorders and play for teams for just one season...........

Posted by Lils on 16-07-2008 16:29

Absolute dickheads who hide behind a keyboard saying 'really brave' stuff, but when you see them face to face, say absolutely nothing because they're a joke.

People who smoke when they're supposedly ill.

Bad hygiene.

Toilets you can smell as soon as you walk in a pool venue. :sick:

'Yes' men.

Old people who drive really nice cars.

Putting something down, only to return 2 minutes later and find it's gone.

Pat Flynn being a div at an AGM but realistically being one of the nicest people in 'real' life.


Posted by ThePower on 16-07-2008 16:39

Over populated venues with teams with no identity......

Posted by miq on 16-07-2008 16:44

Small women with big boobies that insist on giving you their opinion whether you want to hear it or not. :hugs:

Edited by miq on 16-07-2008 16:46

Posted by Lils on 16-07-2008 16:45

miq wrote:
Small women with big boobies that insist on giving you their opinion whether you want to hear it or not. :hugs:

I know - that Floozies team are SOOOOO opinionated, aren't they?

Female pool players = no-one at home cooking dinner. :no:

Posted by Cue_Ball on 16-07-2008 16:47

Div 1 players showing no respect to lower divison matches by shouting, screaming and cheering every dolly.

Posted by miq on 16-07-2008 16:51

Players that sign up for a singles league and play most of their matches in the last week. :winking:

Posted by Dogger on 16-07-2008 16:51

people who don't read posts properly.

Edited by Dogger on 16-07-2008 16:53

Posted by Spud on 16-07-2008 17:00

5 teams divided by 3 tables = 1.66 Teams per table

10 teams divided by 16 tables = 0.625 teams per table.

People who don't do the sums.

Posted by ThePower on 16-07-2008 17:07

Farley Eagles for buying the treble....

Posted by Golden on 16-07-2008 17:10

Teams who create ficticious competitions because they're nowhere near god enough to win a proper one . .

Jealousy people who live off of other people's success . .

Posted by ThePower on 16-07-2008 17:14

Hot Shots for winning the Nationals and becoming the best EVER team in Croydon history thus ruining 20 years of Eagles success overnight...

Posted by Spud on 16-07-2008 17:14


Posted by ThePower on 16-07-2008 17:19

Arthur Hewson for being in a previous life a woman called Belinda...

Posted by Golden on 16-07-2008 17:28


Posted by angles on 16-07-2008 17:54

ThePower wrote:
Arthur Hewson for being in a previous life a woman called Belinda...

Alex Barnetson for this stupid insensitive post.
And he wears Sandles. :elol:

Posted by Sass on 16-07-2008 18:31

People who can't spell sandals . . .

Posted by longshanks on 16-07-2008 18:39

angles wrote:
ThePower wrote:
Arthur Hewson for being in a previous life a woman called Belinda...

Alex Barnetson for this stupid insensitive post.
And he wears Sandles. :elol:

You've hurt his feelings Alex and now he's regressed into Belinda.

Posted by Lils on 16-07-2008 18:40

Spud wrote:
5 teams divided by 3 tables = 1.66 Teams per table

10 teams divided by 16 tables = 0.625 teams per table.

People who don't do the sums.


Posted by Witt on 16-07-2008 18:43

Teams that constantly moan about the length of matches, yet still go for snookers when they have a simple 7 ball clearance and two shots!! How many shots do you need? :O:

Posted by ThePower on 16-07-2008 18:43

Lots, if its you....

Posted by Witt on 16-07-2008 18:52

ThePower wrote:
Lots, if its you....


I could've made it using a broom handle and with one hand, it was that easy.

Posted by Lils on 16-07-2008 18:54

Witt wrote:
Teams that constantly moan about the length of matches, yet still go for snookers when they have a simple 7 ball clearance and two shots!! How many shots do you need? :O:

Shall I assume you played the Pond Q's last night, young Graeme?

Posted by Witt on 16-07-2008 19:02

Lils wrote:
Witt wrote:
Teams that constantly moan about the length of matches, yet still go for snookers when they have a simple 7 ball clearance and two shots!! How many shots do you need? :O:

Shall I assume you played the Pond Q's last night, young Graeme?

Was it that obvious :lol:

Without being disrespectful to the Pond as they are a nice bunch, I have to say that i've never played a slower team. I really do hope that the 1 minute rule comes in. At one stage last night i nearly dozed off as it took 10 minutes to play one shot!! :O:

Posted by ThePower on 16-07-2008 19:09

Now you really know why we are turning up in a few Monday's time with only 4 players.....

Posted by Golden on 16-07-2008 19:15

People who piss and whinge about team's having too many practice tables and then get four themselves :snigger:

Posted by Golden on 16-07-2008 19:25

Alcoholics - Drinking a 79p 7-Litre bottle of White Thunder isn't big and it certainly isn't clever . . Your mother must be really proud of you . .

Edited by TheSaxtonator on 16-07-2008 19:25

Posted by ThePower on 16-07-2008 19:45

Sass, the gerbil expert, for kindly giving me two 'female' gerbils that in the past 6 months have now had a grand total of 22 babies....

Posted by longshanks on 16-07-2008 19:49

So you got 24 for the price of 2 - sounds like a good deal.

Posted by Spud on 16-07-2008 19:49


Sass's lesbian Gerbils taking Jeff Goldblums advice from Jurassic Park:

"Life will find a way"

Posted by angles on 16-07-2008 19:51

longshanks wrote:
angles wrote:
ThePower wrote:
Arthur Hewson for being in a previous life a woman called Belinda...

Alex Barnetson for this stupid insensitive post.
And he wears Sandles. :elol:

You've hurt his feelings Alex and now he's regressed into Belinda.

shut it Long shanks or I'll scratch you eyes out and pull your hair.:elol:

then well have to make up:hugs: :lol::lol:

Posted by Sass on 16-07-2008 20:00

ThePower wrote:
Sass, the gerbil expert, for kindly giving me two 'female' gerbils that in the past 6 months have now had a grand total of 22 babies....

Haaaaaaaaaaa! You can blame the bloke in the pet shop for that one. I actually had them sexed correctly but I wasn't convinced so took them down to the pet shop for verification. The rest is history!! Hope you have them separated now . . . apparently a pair can produce a litter every 5 weeks for a year so that's a lot of babies!

Posted by miq on 16-07-2008 20:01

Spud wrote:

Sass's lesbian Gerbils taking Jeff Goldblums advice from Jurassic Park:

"Life will find a way"


Posted by longshanks on 16-07-2008 20:05

Sass wrote:
ThePower wrote:
Sass, the gerbil expert, for kindly giving me two 'female' gerbils that in the past 6 months have now had a grand total of 22 babies....

Haaaaaaaaaaa! You can blame the bloke in the pet shop for that one. I actually had them sexed correctly but I wasn't convinced so took them down to the pet shop for verification. The rest is history!! Hope you have them separated now . . . apparently a pair can produce a litter every 5 weeks for a year so that's a lot of babies!

He'll need a plumber to unclog the karsie after all the 'burials at sea'.

Posted by miq on 16-07-2008 20:06

Surrey 'C' players that aren't challenged in anyway but miss straight blacks that my nearly blind nan would have slotted home for fun. :chair:

Posted by ThePower on 16-07-2008 20:19

longshanks wrote:
He'll need a plumber to unclog the karsie after all the 'burials at sea'.

Top oven, gas mark 5.

Posted by longshanks on 16-07-2008 20:24


Posted by ThePower on 16-07-2008 20:28


Graham Thompson for turning up once at a match and sitting in the corner eating sweeties (rhubard custards) from a scrunched up little paperbag....wonderful experience....

Edited by ThePower on 16-07-2008 20:30

Posted by Golden on 16-07-2008 20:39


Posted by ThePower on 17-07-2008 05:10

James Charlwood logging onto read the days website activity at 11.08pm when he clearly should be tucked up in bed pending a decent days education....

Someone tell the boy - there is no money in pool. Snap the pool cue in half while you can. Pick up a golf club, see the World and earn 4 million euro's a year for 7 months work.....

Edited by ThePower on 17-07-2008 05:12

Posted by Golden on 17-07-2008 15:11

He's not tall enough . . He'd have to get a set of clubs from Little Tikes . .

Posted by miq on 17-07-2008 18:51

He's got his doubles game in the Eagle on Monday, I'll make sure he's allowed in. :winking:

Edited by miq on 17-07-2008 19:34

Posted by Coneycueist on 17-07-2008 22:40

That guys who plays for the Pond and takes 15 minutes over every shot is rather annoying.

Posted by Coneycueist on 17-07-2008 22:46

As is the baggage retrieval system they've got at heathrow.

Posted by nuttmeg on 17-07-2008 22:51

Coneycueist wrote:
That guys who plays for the Pond and takes 15 minutes over every shot is rather annoying.
he really does take much much too long over an obvious shot but it's not his fault is it Pat as you can then say ten frames take too long:kiss:

Posted by longshanks on 17-07-2008 22:56

Coneycueist wrote:
That guys who plays for the Pond and takes 15 minutes over every shot is rather annoying.

Which one? It's a shortlist of seven.

Posted by Coneycueist on 17-07-2008 23:09

Lol, true. The one that does the impression of the mime artists in convent garden between every shot is particuarly pedestrian though. Garry something I believe. Nice guy but slooooooooooow.

Posted by jonny p on 18-07-2008 06:35

the women from skegness, butlinns, and rollarcoasters... also printer cartiges

Posted by jonny p on 18-07-2008 06:37

I mighty of broken my elbow just now on a bottle of pimms....pants

Posted by Spud on 18-07-2008 14:47

All of us . . . .

One of you. . . .

2 Intact Elbows . . . .

I make that Pimms O'Clock

Posted by Luke on 19-07-2008 00:15

People who smoke for x amount of years...then give up and start whinging about smokers really winds me up :mad: :swear:

Posted by harry on 19-07-2008 00:37

Non smokers who sit outside pubs when its sunny, meaning the smokers who normally suffer the rain and the cold have to stand!

Does that make sense?

Posted by scottish-hustler on 19-07-2008 01:37

people that purposely stand right opposite you when taking a shot and players that go off somewhere in the building during a game.

Posted by Lils on 19-07-2008 02:13

I makes you right, little pukey Lukey.


Posted by Lils on 20-07-2008 17:47

Fieldsy wrote:
Pool tables with cloths on upside gay!!


Who on EARTH would have a cloth put onto a pool table upside down?! Even Hannahfish isn't THAT dumb!

Posted by Sass on 20-07-2008 21:32

Yeh the red spots on the wrong side are a dead giveaway . . .

Posted by Lils on 21-07-2008 02:14

Oh - just been told what the 'upside down cloth' refers too! :elol:


Posted by gfizz on 21-07-2008 02:16

Do you care to share the wisdom?

Posted by Lils on 21-07-2008 02:23

Well . . I was told that a certain venue tried to say they'd had their tables recovered with an expensive, quality cloth, only to be told be found out by someone who knows that the only way it was this particularly expensive cloth was if it had been put on upside down!!


Posted by gfizz on 23-07-2008 05:15

People that try to unscrew a 1 piece cue..........jackers.......:lol:

Posted by Sass on 23-07-2008 05:52

Poor Mr Saxton. The whole world must know about this now! :laugh:

Posted by Golden on 23-07-2008 19:26

gfizz wrote:
People that try to unscrew a 1 piece cue..........jackers.......:lol:
