Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Gerbils

Posted by Sass on 09-11-2007 08:24

Ok cool. Their parents are both easily handled now but they weren't so laid back when we first got them. They took a a few days to get used to us but I think that was because ours came from a pet shop and they hadn't been handled that often and also because we had no experience of small animals and we were a bit nervous of them. They are faster than hamsters but they do get used to the people who handle them regularly and ours will happily sit on my daughters lap now without being held onto.

I can guarantee that my kids will handle the little ones as often as I will let them so that shouldn't be a problem with these pups! We have to leave them alone until they are a week old as if the mother picks up our scent on them she may reject them (I've done my research!)

The pet shop I bought the pair from said that they would take on any I can't find homes for but I'd sooner see them go straight to a new home for the reason already stated.

They are still blind, deaf and hairless. I reckon they should play pool!

Let me know if and when you're ready.

Edited by Sass on 09-11-2007 08:26