Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Start of Frame

Posted by Dogger on 10-06-2009 20:24

We havent used the stopwatch in either of our first two games.

Last week we had to stop at 9:10 after 40 mins coz we were already on frame 8 and the food was no where near ready.

Last night, no stopwatch was used, no player took longer than 20 seconds on a shot, apart from maybe 2 occasions where they took about 30/40 seconds.

We will happily use the watch if the oppo request to, but i can safely say that we will never have a time foul against us. So far the opposition have also agreed with us in not wanting to use the clock.

IF people are going to use the clock, PLEASE get a stopwatch that doesnt beep loudly every time you start/reset the dam thing.