Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: CSL IV - Amendment to League Rules

Posted by Fat-Dart on 19-06-2009 17:21


Due to a number of recent events, it has now come to the point where a decision has had to be made to stop people walking out of matches, for whatever reason, without fear of reprisals. This league was formed with the intention of being a social league and, as such has not thus far needed this rule to be brought in. Unfortunately, that time has now come. This rule will be added to the current rule set and a new copy issued to all players. It is enforcable immediately, though not retrospectively.

"All matches, once started, must be completed at that time. Any player 'walking out' of an uncompleted match will be ejected from the league. In addition, any player ejected under this ruling will not be allowed to re-enter subsequent seasons. Fees paid by the ejected player will not be refunded"

Posted by harry on 19-06-2009 19:17

Ooooh, what's happened?

Come on Mark, spill the beans..... :blah:

Posted by Chuckie on 19-06-2009 22:09

Yes Mark, what caused you to add this new rule? Also, are there any exceptions? I.E heart attacks or the ceiling collapsing onto the table smashing your cue in two?

Posted by Fat-Dart on 20-06-2009 01:15

I'm not going into detail, no should I have to but, needless to say, there were "a number of recent events".

As for exceptions - it's quite simple, if you walk out, you're out. Heart attack victims tend not to walk out, so I'll allow 'taken to hospital by ambulance' as a possible excuse.

No-one had walked out of a match in any previous CSL seasons, so I don't know why people have started now but this rule will stop it becoming common-place.

Posted by Teach on 20-06-2009 16:56

Chuckie wrote:
Yes Mark, what caused you to add this new rule?

Where have you been Mr Burrows? These incidents were the talk of Purley Way a couple of weeks ago!! I guess it does help having Darren Porter in your team - he is the king of stirring and gossip!! :bite:

Posted by Sass on 21-06-2009 04:47
