Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Rules enquiry...

Posted by JugglingSpence on 13-08-2009 17:51

Our match got a bit heated this week due to some controversy caused when one of our players blocked my shot and I called a time out, which was granted.

My understanding of the rule is that if your shot is blocked by anything or anyone then you call a time out until you can play it, no further restrictions- you own player, their player, Father Christmas or a barmaid getting glasses.

The other team stated that it might have been deliberate and said that you can't call a time out for your own team- any good team mate should stay out of your way.

So have I misinterpreted the rule? I appreciate that you should try and stay out of the players' way but you can't always do it, especially if there isn't a lot of room around the table.

Edited by JugglingSpence on 13-08-2009 17:53