Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: name and shame

Posted by keely on 29-08-2009 18:09

I told Rod the situation the next time I saw him after speaking to Andy.
The game wanted to be arranged for the following Monday.
Rod was due to play his champ of champ qualifier the following Monday, so said he couldn?t make it.
Did not see rod again till the Sunday, day before game was supposed to be played, where he then text Andy telling him he could not rearrange it.
It was only then that the suggestion of another day (other than the following Monday) was made.
As this suggestion was quite late in the day rod said no to rearrange it.
Rod was aware of the situation partially but I don?t think he realised to full severity of the situation.
I personally would have rearranged the game but I cannot make my players do anything they do not wish to do.
On Sunday night after rod had said no, Andy then persisted the leave ME voicemails with him swearing down the phone which left little room for any negotiation.
Any how when Rod did see Jan on the Monday, I think it was then he realised the severity of the situation and immediately offered to postpone.
So Andy please stop trying to 'name and shame' people, when for a start the situation was out of MY control, and secondly its hard to appreciate the severity or sincerity of a situation when you have some unarticulated loud mouth shouting the odds down your phone about what '*******ing liberty' it all is.