Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Winter Season 2007/2008

Posted by Sass on 05-10-2007 20:05

Shaggy wrote on the old site . . .

Its the first time I have gone into a winter league with absoultely no idea who will win it. For me every team in the top 3 seem a lot weaker than before.

I am not ever sure about the state of play at Hotshots because they dont say anything on line when drunk these days, but if the Clarkes dont play, and people like Dino and Michael Brown are absent regularly then they are weaker. (Unless they sign a Wisher Breen or some other London bloke, probably unlikely but who knows.)

We are pretty much certain we havent got Jake this year, because he is unable to get regularly from work to our home venue in time to play, so we basically have a bare 8, 7 for Cup nights as I dont like Mondays!)

The Prop have lost Rob Gator, Graham Thompson from the winter and Cliff, Kyle and Rob from the summer team.

The Drillers (who the hell knows!!!)

I expect quite good things from the Brewers/Oakfield whatever they are called as they have finished the Summer strong and are only losing Danny.

I personally think if the Hotshots are playing their Summer team the Eagles will win it, if not they are certainly favourites. And 3rd downward is up for anybody to grab.