Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Surrey Classic 2010 Feedback

Posted by JugglingSpence on 01-02-2010 18:09

bigdogdave wrote:
Hi All

This comp was a new and untried format, for that reason, I am looking for feedback on yesterday.

good bits
bad bits
things to improve
would you like that again

Anything else you can add

Good bits: I thought that the comp did a really good job of introducing people that wouldn't have previously met- you only really talk to your mates or the people you are playing. It also means that even if you turn up and play as rubbish as I did then you still get a few matches which rocks... It also means less waiting around to play as the matches turn around quicker.

Bad bits: I turned up, it was downhill from there! Lowest point was getting beaten by everyone in my group! It's BigBastardDave from now on! He didn't even give me a chance! ;)

Things to improve: Cueing, shot selection and concentration...