Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Pre-World Cup KO Comp

Posted by TomT on 07-06-2010 22:37

With England's first world cup game being this Saturday at 8:30, Rileys want to run a small KO competition before hand in order to attract in people as well as getting a good atmosphere going in the club. So i'll be running a small comp this saturday starting at around 4 or 5 depending on numbers, which should finish just in time for the match; if you play in the comp you don't have to watch the match!
I'm expecting no more than 16 although if it exceeds that then it will be fine, it will be a ?5 entry and probably best of 5's maybe more depending on numbers, if you wanted to play then could you post something on here to get a rough ideas of numbers??

P.S you can just turn up and pay and play on the day