Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Format Change Proposal

Posted by Spud on 21-02-2008 19:48

Rare a team has more than 10 regular players.
And even rarer that team in the Summer league.

Cue sports as a whole are not as popular as 10 years ago. Fact.

I think it's important to address that fact, and adapt accordingly.
The summer league, seeing as though it's a very simple format, and a lot shorter in duration, is the ideal ground to try out a radical change.

It will hugely benefit teams struggling with numbers (Which there are loads).
It will hugely benefit attracting more players with the oppurtunity to play 2 frames a night.
It could give birth to more teams, with only 5 required for a legal line up.
It's win / win the way I see it. A positive step to ensure we keep afloat teams that are on the verge of folding, whilst also making the format more attractive for potential teams.

Any new team thinking of starting up will find it considerable easier to get 5 / 6 players than it will 7/8.