Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: My Leaving Party

Posted by JugglingSpence on 30-08-2012 19:21

Hi all,

For those that don't know, I am now on my last few games in Croydon Pool League as I'm emitrating to Melbourne in October. Obviously this means that there needs to be a party and I intend to make it one hell of a party!

We're intending to hold it at the Farley on 13/10 and so I would like to extend an invite to all my friends in the pool league.

We have a band booked and numbers are starting to look pretty good so come down, it should be fun and there are a number of people who I would like to have 1 more beer with before I go!

Spread the word to your team mates who don't come on this website, the invite is open to everybody.

