Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Good Luck Hot Shots

Posted by Shaggy on 18-02-2008 23:29

Again well done Sean and his team and Simon for that matter fro ultimately winning the most prestigous pub team competition available nationally.

However I cant quite understand what Cliff is trying to achieve with his inane drivel. Their is a rivalry between Hotshots and ourselves, but that is purely because we both have a goal to win the league that we are competing in. Nothing more and nothing less and certainly not issues that we will have an argument about.

Too inmply that we as a team would be unhappy that the Hotshots have won something is plain ridiclous. Jealous maybe but thats coz its such a great title to win, but resentful or unhappy is well off the mark, and basically makes you look like a fool, IMHO.