Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: We're Back!

Posted by Golden on 23-05-2008 14:47

As you're probably aware, the site has been down since late Tuesday . . It's been a long drawn out affair so I won't bore you with the details but it was something along the lines of the hosting not automatically renewing and our hosts pulling the site . .

. . usually it would be a case of switching it back on but they decided to completely change everything behind the scenes including the database that runs the site!

Luckily I mentioned it to Paul Saxton yesterday who worked through the silly hours of this morning to rebuild the database to return the site to it's former glory (!) . .

. . without him there would be no site this morning and certainly not one that resembles the site of earlier this week. At one point we thought we had lost all the data from the past year yet he's managed to get it all back and put it in the right places and I for one can't thank him enough :bow:

Needless to say we haven't checked every minute detail of the site to see if everything is working 100% so if you come across something that you don't think is working the way it should be, please post details in this thread and we'll look into it.

Thank you for your patience during the 'downtime' and you can all stop texting me now asking what's wrong with the site :D

So . . . Here we go again ;)