Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: New Poll - 08/09 Winter Format

Posted by ThePower on 11-09-2008 05:10

Timing should be introduced. We need to keep moving forward.

Shots in the Croydon League are being played within 1 minute. Everyone keeps saying so. So let me ask then, why would there be a big problem with the watch being used?

I think teams are confusing the need for timing with actual match finishing times in a 2 x 5 format. Basically matches dragging on late argument is bollocks, mainly made up. 1. Matches are not starting on time. Not once this season has an away side turned up before 8.15pm to start a match at the Farley. 2. As a result matches do not kick off until on average 8.40pm (which is the usual time for a 7 frame format).
3. Teams seem to think two sets of 5 means there should be a 15 minute plus mid session break between sets.

Most of the leagues in the UK have adopted World Rules FULLY for years and are now easily playing 3 SETS OF 5.

And you numpties want to go back to the dark ages and play best of 7?

The difference is the other leagues are united in their love for pool, and the opportunity to have a night out, play loads of competitive frames. So what is so frightening about that? Why does this league continue to find wrong in everything that is good for it?

I've personally given so much for my team over the years and if you love your pool, and the Croydon league then we need to keep up with the times. Change is healthy.