Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Rearranging Matches

Posted by Sting on 22-10-2008 05:59

I am very dissapointed with the conduct of the doubles pair we were due to play. We spoke to them at our place last week and explained that Alex has a 3 hour round trip and so we would like to re-arrange or play on a tues before our normal matches. We also tried to play the game after our tuesday match last week but one of them had already left.

Having explained this and them agreeing they were happy to rearrangee obviously at their convenience we have now been told via their secretary on the day of the doubles matches that they can now no longer play at any other time in the next 2 weeks. This is really poor given it is a 1st round match and means that a div 1 doubles team will be out and no chance in the plate either as they will try and claim a walkover.

I thought there was supposed to be sportmanship above all else in our game. Why claim a 1st round match when you had already agreed to try and rearrange? Really poor in my mind especially as it kills our chances in things like the overall rankings as you really need to be in all comps to get a good score.

We are hoping that Mark Halsey can help and resolve this amicably as this may set a precedent of people agreeing to rearrange matches and then changing their minds giving you no chance.