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division 1 individuals play offs
#1 Print Post
Posted on 08-05-2013 04:23
Must Get Out More

Posts: 590
Joined: 07.03.11

Me n hughie av decided to share this as jt winas which is rather unfair to the other guys as there wer 5 jt winas for this ,peter knight,steve potter n swetty all achieved wat we did but sadly dont geta trophie...avin play with hughie all season I believe he as deserved to b the jt wina playing solid pool all year n as for myself iv ada nightmare season with consistency n feel lucky to av won sumthin...determination saving the day for this old as been....butter wouldn't melt ... CUM ON Grin
Special K
#2 Print Post
Posted on 08-05-2013 05:08
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 20.10.10

I thought u said in 1 ov ya other posts that u was the props best player this season? So ow u Ada nightmare season?
Back to back singles winner, croydon's number 1, Farley open champ that's all butter wouldn't melt ...
#3 Print Post
Posted on 08-05-2013 06:09
Must Get Out More

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Dan I woz avin a bit ova joke wit ricky but yeah iv ada mare iv lost many many frames in unreal fluke fashion wen avin 2shots playing disturbances only to foul...iv thrown away everything but I av not been able to practice for 3years n am pretty fckd up so ina weird way this may ov been my best ever season av played at 20/30% n stil done wel so yea iv ada nightmare but am also very proud that iv stil contended n played the odd big frame under pressure n stepped up...this game is easy wen things r smooth but wen u av2 fight to turn a game around or beat guys who should beat u then it sumhow can stil b s buzz...u no wat I mean uv won frames n things against the odds n it isa buzz yea butter wouldn't melt ...
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#4 Print Post
Posted on 08-05-2013 06:49
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 20.10.10

Na yea I no wot ya mean.... To be fair tho jacko you have been pretty solid wen u played us u was kinda playing some good stuff so wud not say its all been a mare butter wouldn't melt ... hopefully you get bk to ya old self!
Back to back singles winner, croydon's number 1, Farley open champ that's all butter wouldn't melt ...
#5 Print Post
Posted on 09-05-2013 01:34
Just Popping In

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So you decided to share the div1singles,how nice.I on the other hand decided to be around my family after my uncle passed away and that maybe i would get a chance knowing the sportsmanship in our sport to play my semi final with hughie at a later date,how wrong! To end the season top of the pile albeit jointly filled me with pride and yet slightly dissapoited not to win it outright.so to be asked to have a playoff was a great way to get an outright winner despite the hours car drive for potentially one frame.But due to unforseen circumstances ive had to cancel the arrange fixture but never fought that would mean a forfit!
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#6 Print Post
Posted on 09-05-2013 05:25
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 20.10.10

That's outrageous sort it out lads allow Peter to play hughie another time u can't claim that as a win the man has got a lot on and has come on here and said that publicly which he hasn't got to do by the way! Be sportsman and do the rite thing am sure hughie won't have a prob with it as he is a top bloke and very straight up from what I no.
Back to back singles winner, croydon's number 1, Farley open champ that's all butter wouldn't melt ...
#7 Print Post
Posted on 09-05-2013 05:37
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 07.03.11

We r sori for ur loss peter but as far as i no none ov us new u would not b coming until wen we turned up so I believe its a tad unfair to call people unsporting wen no attempt woz made to rearrange or to giv notice to any1...as far as we new u ad forfeited so dont think its very nice to ava dig at us..im sure if u ad given us notice n ad asked we would ov all been happy to rearrange but I for 1 only found out u wer not coming wen I arrived on the nite...simple phone call peter a day or 2 before hand is all it would ov taken...down to u to do that n not expect us to b mind readers n avin a dig at us is poor form me thinks,4 guys turned up to play n u think ewe should ov just gone home wen no request woz made? Ur obviously upset about ur loss but it dont giv u the right to question our sportsmanship butter wouldn't melt ...
#8 Print Post
Posted on 09-05-2013 06:14
Must Get Out More

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Dan r u saying we ought to forget about all the games played last nite n start again? We wer not asked to rearrange n all I got told woz peter ad gone to a funeral n werent coming...honestly m8 think a bit we aint done nothing wrong n we aint the type to try n claim games unlike sum butter wouldn't melt ...
Special K
#9 Print Post
Posted on 09-05-2013 06:35
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 20.10.10

Hope that aint a dig at me mate coz I have never tried clamping nothing..... Give Peter a chance yea! Nice guy and never does n e 1 wrong massive miss understanding job here lets face it if ya lose some 1 close u just don't think about things ie calling up u lot etc legit reason from Peter so give the man a chance long hard season he played and done extremely well to get were he did like the rest of ya 4 blokes 1 frame a piece is it really long to do it again..... If it was me I wud! Just my opinion jacko u lot do wot u got to do Peter is a nice bloke tho......
Back to back singles winner, croydon's number 1, Farley open champ that's all butter wouldn't melt ...
#10 Print Post
Posted on 09-05-2013 06:38
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 02.10.07

Wasnt there, but if the league decide that if a play off is needed rather than a share, then a play off should happen. Even taking the unfortunate and sad Peter situation out of the way I dont see that people should share a trophy between 2 people than 5 have actually won.

Share it between 5 or play it to the end. Just my opinion mind
Edited by Shaggy on 09-05-2013 06:39
#11 Print Post
Posted on 09-05-2013 15:17
Just Popping In

Posts: 6
Joined: 06.08.10

After reading over these threads it would appear that my own thread had a tad of anger attached to it.By no means did i intend to claim you and hughie were behaving unsportsmanlike, only that in texting my secretary two days before hand to let him know the situation i did feel i would get a chance to contest the playoff.Ofcourse if not knowing this you would rightly carry on contesting it amongst yourselfs.Its just that now it leaves a bitter taste to the end of what was a good season through no fault of my own wall
Special K
#12 Print Post
Posted on 09-05-2013 19:21
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 20.10.10

So what's the sp....... Does Peter get a shot at it or not confused
#13 Print Post
Posted on 09-05-2013 20:25
Quite The Regular

Posts: 168
Joined: 08.10.07

Telford & Jackson sharing a divisional winners title.....why ?
Give peter a chance to play for the right to win it outright
am pretty sure you are all in rileys or wherever enough to play......regardless of the we have already done 1 set of games - really poor form if you don't give him a crack at it

#14 Print Post
Posted on 10-05-2013 01:12
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 07.03.11

poor fckin form? do u not understand the previous comments? it as already been re drawn n played(I originally ad drawn swetty)...Hughie beat swetty n I beat steve potter so the final woz me n Hughie so as team m8s n not really wanting to b there we shared it...I personally believe there should not even b a play off as we wer all top n all joint winners...so u guys think we should all go to frames n play the whole thing again or do we exclude swetty n steve as theyv already lost? seriously y r people talkin such blox...its over its done n dusted maybe if sum1 ad contacted us n asked us to rearrange then things may ov been different,how can u guys b goin on about this after its finished? madness pure pure pure idiotic madness butter wouldn't melt ...
#15 Print Post
Posted on 10-05-2013 01:30
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 07.03.11

n peter if u ada funeral to go to n u stil wanted to play y did u not either ask Hughie to play before Tuesday or ask to rearrange? y cum on here digging people out for no reason wen u av not even asked any1 anything...I must b as dumb as sum other people on here as me no understand wall
#16 Print Post
Posted on 10-05-2013 01:57
Must Get Out More

Posts: 590
Joined: 07.03.11

n shaggy there av been many joint winas in the past but the league wil only supply 2 trophies unless people giv up other trophies to balance the books,so u can av 5jt winas but only 2 trophies,bit bizarre butter wouldn't melt ...
#17 Print Post
Posted on 10-05-2013 04:07
Home From Home

Posts: 369
Joined: 20.05.10

Im sure eagles boys would be happy to part company with semi final trophies for ko cup.
I am happy to give up my semi for singles trophy if that makes any difference as i think a 1 frame playoff is complete bollox!
As far as im concerned i think all 5 won it and having it come down to a game down frames is terrible!
#18 Print Post
Posted on 10-05-2013 05:12
Quite The Regular

Posts: 158
Joined: 29.04.10

Ill give all my prop trophies for the winter.cup runners up and league runners up
Special K
#19 Print Post
Posted on 10-05-2013 05:25
Must Get Out More

Posts: 842
Joined: 20.10.10

Peter should get some sort of shot at the thing he said in previous thread that he told his captain so it ain't his fault really give him a shot or include him in the trophies evil laugh
Back to back singles winner, croydon's number 1, Farley open champ that's all butter wouldn't melt ...
#20 Print Post
Posted on 10-05-2013 12:59
Must Get Out More

Posts: 888
Joined: 02.10.07

I sort of agree with Jacko in that its done so its done, but I dont agree in play offs at all when over a course of a season 1,2 or even 5 people have performed equally.

If there is a play off at least make it a round robin.

Anyhow well done to all 5 players, I sincerely hope they are all mentioned at the presentation as they al deserve it.
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