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division 1 week 4
#21 Print Post
Posted on 12-11-2011 17:03
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metin250 wrote:
Plus I would welcome a chance to avoid going lewisham Grin

I don't think they play anywhere near Lewisham.... ( just a worthless point that was worth mentioning!!) laughing
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#22 Print Post
Posted on 12-11-2011 17:09
Must Get Out More

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fair comment nuttmeg the San Moritz look maybe a little out ov place in our fair city....would like 2 state i fil i av not slandered any1,i just stated the facts known by a lot ov us with the rileys scenario so every1 new, as 2many people wer making statements without knowin the full history...asa friendly league as many put it do we really want drug taking n voilence? i wanted 2go tuesday n wanted 2play but apparently we wer informed by our opponats that the governer didnt want me there as sum ov there team ad made it clear they intendid 2 start a fight with me or use voilence 2wards me...should these people b allowed 2dictate 2the governor n dictate 2our league n its players...all i want isa beer n a game ov pool with the lads avin a laugh n a bit ov banta,all this other s**t is b*lox n i dont c y we should av 2 put up with it...as 4me not playin n in return rod missin the return leg cum on r u serious y should we b dictated 2 under the threat ov voilence...b4 any1 else comments i want u2 put yourselves in our shoes n ask yourself wat would u do...is this acceptable? p.s. keep wearing them poppys guys b proud butter wouldn't melt ...
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#23 Print Post
Posted on 15-11-2011 04:55
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Pondlife wrote:
I see that on the weekly results sheet it does not clarify why the match was not played. It just mentions that the matter has been referred to the half-season general meeting. I personally feel that this is totally unacceptable to delay dealing with this apparent impasse until February next year. It needs sorting out as a matter of some urgency because once again we have the prospect of the league being brought into disrepute. Could we please have an extraordinary general meeting as soon as possible to attempt to bring about a satisfactory conclusion to this affair ?

This has been discussed with the League Chairman, Bob Todd, who has stated that an EGM will not be called regarding this situation. Arrangements have already been made for it to be discussed at the forthcoming Half Year Meeting in February
#24 Print Post
Posted on 15-11-2011 15:59
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having had a conversation with mick o d the other day we at the unpredictables may well be asking for an emergancy meeting as this was bang out of order threatening violance against one of our players and it shouldnt be left stewing untill feb next year.
after all this is meant to be a friendly league unless im now mistaken.no
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#25 Print Post
Posted on 15-11-2011 19:37
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I think we need an EGM to discuss the amount of EGM's that are being called. But before that we need an EGM to discuss how quickly the EGM to discuss the amount of EGM's that are being called for should be called.

If this is rejected by the committee then i suggest we call an EGM to discuss the rejection of the EGM to discuss the amount of EGM's that are being called for.

Is it me or do these EGM's seem to have a common theme ?

Maybe we should call an EGM to discuss that, but if so would need to call an EGM to decide what EGM should be dealt with first.

Sure none of the committee have anything better to do !!

I would rather be playing golf
#26 Print Post
Posted on 15-11-2011 20:06
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I absolutely agree with Chris(Knocky) that the current situation with regard to the Better Halfs is totally unacceptable. Why the need for any delay in calling an EGM ? If this is the BH's response to the decision made at the last EGM,one can only wonder what their next move might be. It really is a serious state of affairs which needs sorting out NOW; not in THREE months time !! You have been appointed to run the League in a fair and proper manner. Please ensure that you do !! wall
#27 Print Post
Posted on 15-11-2011 20:59
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Seems like some see a need for an EGM & some don't.

Seems like this needs discussing

Think we need an EGM to discuss it.

Fink dis needs sortn m8 (That was for you Jacko)
I would rather be playing golf
#28 Print Post
Posted on 16-11-2011 17:59
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In the absence of any rules clarification, I wish to inform Phil Wates (Secretary of Rileys Cuemasters),our opponents next Tuesday,that the following restrictions will apply. You will not be allowed to play any member of the fairer sex,any carpenters,any teachers or anybody who is more than one stone overweight in your team next week. I trust that this will not be too much of a problem. laughing
#29 Print Post
Posted on 16-11-2011 18:02
Must Get Out More

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lol quality mr brooker .....yea lets play golf tis a much better sport with a stronger etiquette 4us gents ...wat wat wat tally bally ho old chap butter wouldn't melt ...
#30 Print Post
Posted on 16-11-2011 22:33
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First and foremost and I have mentioned this before that EGM's are not part of the League's set up or within any part of our constitution as we do have 2 general meetings a year to sort out any problems or appeals. If EGM's are going to be the norm then I suggest that protocol should be established to include them within our league set up. I know, before I am shouted down, that EGM's have cropped over the last year but this either needs to be stopped right now or discussed in principle in February. Going onto the problem at hand, I was first notified by the Better Halfs of a potential problem which I then discussed in depth with Bob Todd. Bob Todd and myself had subsequent conversation with both Team Secretaries to see if a comprimise could be found between them which did not materialise. I have been contacted by Mick O'Donnell for an EGM to be called which is not going to happen as a full committee meeting is being called for next week for a decision to be made re this match. Whatever is decided will be enforced and if either team has any complaints then they can raise this in February. I would refer you to Item 5d of the League's constitution on this matter. I will re-iterate that no EGM will be called on this matter or any other from hereonin until they are duly recognised within the Constitution of the League . If any of the concerned parties do not agree on the decision then they are liberty to voice their opinion at a general meeting and I would refer you to Item 7vi of the League's Constitution.
#31 Print Post
Posted on 17-11-2011 00:38
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I think Mark makes a fair point (or three!!). You can't call an EGM everytime something arises that the constitution hasn't considered. The committee are meeting (I think that's what he said somewhere lol) and they can decide!!

Unless of course, we do in fact call an EGM to decide whether an EGM is needed!! But I think Mr Brooker has gone down that road already.... I'd better get back to marking books!!blah blah blah
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#32 Print Post
Posted on 17-11-2011 18:22
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Sepp Blatter is going to chair the EGM and has added let's forget what has been said as long as there is a handshake at then end of the game.

Huh fat chance.

point and laughner ner
#33 Print Post
Posted on 17-11-2011 23:08
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So does anyone know what date the EGM has been called for, don't want to miss it !!
I would rather be playing golf
#34 Print Post
Posted on 18-11-2011 03:21
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Must Get Out More

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There will not be an Extraordinary General Meeting ,unless something extraordinary happens at the committee meeting next week ! confused
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