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CroydonPool.com - The CDPL Online Community :: Croydon & District Pool League :: Winter League
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Div 1 week 12
#21 Print Post
Posted on 07-03-2013 18:27
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 07.03.11

Do u no wat Metin at the end ov the season that system would giv a truer reflection Ov players abilities but Iv always thought u should b judged individually wen it cums to rankings n wat uv actually done,hench I got doubles points halved even tho I believe there should not b ranking points for the doubles as ur not playing all ur shots n with ur system ud only get extra points if u played ina strong team n not if ur team played awful so can't see how u can b judged by ur team m8s efforts....I believe the truest standings would b achieved if u elbowed the doubles out Ov it,increased div1 from 5.25 to 6 n reduce league cup 1st stage from 5 to 4 n increase the ko singles by 1frame all the way thro....all I no is Iv won the most individual frames many years (at least6/7) winning singles n individuals n not won the rankings them years coz ova flawed system...it's all to late for me as my time as past but it would b good for the future if u could b judged by ur ability n u could look at the standings in the rankings n the top 10players wer roughly the top 10players butter wouldn't melt ...
#22 Print Post
Posted on 07-03-2013 18:44
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The doubles being halved has changed things slightly and your correct. The rankings though should be about an individual performance but still be based around the team doing well also. It means u get the better players:
A. Wanting to get their team through and therefore not hiding behind an easy win as they know if their team goes out they miss out on ranking points in the future.
B. you dont end up with people who care more about their ranking points than their team , which im sure there are a lot of them about.

I agree its harder in the top division and if your a div 1 player in div 2 then you have a chance at the moment but that persons sacrifice for playing in a weaker division/team means his team are unlikely to compete in the finals of events and hence miss out on ranking points in the latter stages.

#23 Print Post
Posted on 07-03-2013 18:44
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I dont disagree with any of the above.and im clearly not the best player in croydon.it wld just be nice to see my name there.i dolidnt do well last season danny as i hardly played mate.but jacko and mets points are valid.especially as neil was in div 3 when he finished2nd.and div 3 is alot easier than 2 and 1...i cant wait to play in div 1as it will help my game no end.but i still won all my games in league cup including playing and beating 2 div 1 players and only lost one and missed one in league.this is my first full season so im happy to finish top 5.and there are still most of the top croydon players in the top 10.id also like to see extra points in the further rnds of league cup...as for a money match with neil im more than happy to play.i have offered him many times to which his DECLINED....just out of curiosity whos ur money on mr kellogs lol??
No1 Nugget
#24 Print Post
Posted on 07-03-2013 19:00
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Thought we agreed to play for ?20 when we come to you and the one frame ?20 as I know you just can't beat me mate, league games, friendly games,whip and in 2 weeks time when we smash you lot we will be very close and we will see who loses their bottle boxer BRING IT ON
Division 2 winter league champs trophyone
division 3 and 2 summer league runner up,trophytwo
division 3 champs trophyone
division 4 summer champstrophyone
division 5 winnerstrophyone
division 5,4,3 divisional singles winner trophyone
division 5,4 secretary winnertrophyone
#25 Print Post
Posted on 07-03-2013 19:34
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As i have said-BLAH BLAH BLAH....Do ur talking on the table...and as for ?20 im not really interested.any one can win 1 frame as u have proved plenty of times....im talking ?100-200 race to 15...all that money u have won at poker u shld have it to LOSE...who ever wants to play for a score???as u keep stating ur better than me so it shldnt be a problem...and well done on ur 2 out of 2 jacko.take it ur shoulders ok now lol Grin
Edited by mayweatherbrindle on 07-03-2013 19:38
#26 Print Post
Posted on 07-03-2013 20:26
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i wish tel,im justa stubborn so n so..played 5th n 6th so dont giv it time to flare up..am due a neck operation in 6 to 8 weeks to remove a vertebrae n there isa 1 in 300 chance ov bein paralised or 1 ina 1000 chance ov meeting the grim reaper,mite ava tena ew on that...n metin wen u talk about playing for the team, iv been loyal to my teams n rose from lower divisions wen i could ov left them n played for the best sides to achieve more,i believe in team loyalty but ur system may wel get all the best players playing in 1 or 2 teams...i believe in the team n team passion but individual rankings is an individuals effort n should b treated as such...butter wouldn't melt ...
#27 Print Post
Posted on 07-03-2013 20:31
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Oh sorry to hear that mate.hope everything goes well..i dnt think met meant u wasnt a team player.each point is valid though...neil on the other hand needs to stop talking and man up and play me instead of waffling all the time with his blah blah blah lol
#28 Print Post
Posted on 07-03-2013 21:09
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Jacko i was not in anyway aiming that comment at you i was just saying that some players take the rankings/individuals more importantly than the league.
The extra points are for teams that last longest in the cup but they still have to win their frames.
Like premiership football its rare that youll find the player of the year in the bottom team !
Your right in that the best players wana play for the best teams but that doesnt mean they can as there are a lot of good players in the league .in truth the top of the table hasnt been much different from when i started in croydon and the players will the majority of the time stick with who they know. I dont imagine people will leave a team to join a better side in order to win the rankings.

#29 Print Post
Posted on 07-03-2013 21:14
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Also your way would mean no one would wana play in lower divisions as they will get less points for a win and would mean players trying to play 1st div pool as they get more points for a win!
#30 Print Post
Posted on 07-03-2013 22:19
Must Get Out More

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Rankings using my point system would b as follows 1st metin n billy 112...3rd mev 110...4th jacko 107...5th terry 103.75...6th kelloggs n eddie 103...8th bomber 101...9th sweaty n martin 96...this does not include week 12 results n kelloggs as question mark for week 11 so if he won that week he would b on 109...now obviously with an extra frame in the singles it may alter things a little but to me that asa fair look about it as there r sum big names up there mixed with other solid players who r avin a good season...these points include the 5points u get for entering the singles...i would imagine whoever won it using this system would b a top player n prob played the best pool this season,the math seems right to me butter wouldn't melt ...
#31 Print Post
Posted on 07-03-2013 23:01
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Although this is one of the most boring threads i have ever read, & thats saying something on this site these days. Regardless of how the rankings system works if a player from division 2 is high in the rankings surely its still something to be recognised as an achievment, otherwise there would be dozens of decent division 2 players near the top because it was so much easier to get points.

If you are the only division 2 player in the top 5 or there are only 2 in the top 10 then (Thats only 20%) then that still shows you have had a pretty good season even if the ranking points are a bit flawed.

OK, forget everything i have just said the system is complete rubbish, i have just noticed Paul Saxton is ranked number 11rolling eyes
Edited by Brooker on 07-03-2013 23:15
I would rather be playing golf
#32 Print Post
Posted on 07-03-2013 23:07
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Got to agree with met on his post the other day. Winning singles,doubles & rankings is a bonus. The league is what it's all about. To many players get distracted by this. Y do we need to know through out the season who is where in the rankings & divisionals. It's a great bonus to win these events so y not keep it disclosed until the season is over. Then we wouldn't have these distractions.
#33 Print Post
Posted on 07-03-2013 23:28
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Thats a great idea ricky!!!
#34 Print Post
Posted on 07-03-2013 23:51
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 02.10.07

Get rid of the lot IMHO. It means absolutely nothing to me, and never has. I would swap 10 #1 rankings trophies for 1 Division 1 League Champions, everyday of the week and twice on Sunday.

I am 100% convinced if a player was playing for himself as opposed to the aims of the team he/she wouldn;t be there for long.

Said this before we had a final league game which we had to win to win the league. Danny Evans was top of the Divisionals and top of the Rankings, and our opponents had 5 players, so postion 7 was a bye. Danny tentatively asked if he could play 7, but wasn't really serious as he knew the answer would be a categoric no! No hystionics, just got on with it and even though he lost his frame, won them anyway. We won the league though as I am sure Danny will admit thats the thing that matters most.
Edited by Shaggy on 08-03-2013 00:05
Special K
#35 Print Post
Posted on 08-03-2013 00:01
Must Get Out More

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jacko wrote:
Rankings using my point system would b as follows 1st metin n billy 112...3rd mev 110...4th jacko 107...5th terry 103.75...6th kelloggs n eddie 103...8th bomber 101...9th sweaty n martin 96...this does not include week 12 results n kelloggs as question mark for week 11 so if he won that week he would b on 109...now obviously with an extra frame in the singles it may alter things a little but to me that asa fair look about it as there r sum big names up there mixed with other solid players who r avin a good season...these points include the 5points u get for entering the singles...i would imagine whoever won it using this system would b a top player n prob played the best pool this season,the math seems right to me butter wouldn't melt ...

Kellogg's did win his frame that week just to add butter wouldn't melt ...
Back to back singles winner, croydon's number 1, Farley open champ that's all butter wouldn't melt ...
#36 Print Post
Posted on 08-03-2013 00:08
Must Get Out More

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not every1 plays for the eagles tho paul n aint got much chance ov winning the league,y do people think just coz u wana win as many trophies as poss it means ur not a team player...last time i won the rankings i could ov ada bye but choose a different position to play the frame n actually win it,n i win as many or if not more 2nd frames then 1st frames so yes got2 giv ur all for the team,the way u lot bang on is as if the div1 winter league trophie is the only 1 wat counts n how ard is that to win wen ur odds on favourites for it every year n uv got all the best players..rankings,singles,doubles,cup games giv us all a chance to compete n enjoy the pressure but fck all that sht its only the league thats counts aint it...n brooker saxton would smash u up on the pool table n on the golf course...butter wouldn't melt ...
Special K
#37 Print Post
Posted on 08-03-2013 00:12
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Can feel a little argument coming on
Back to back singles winner, croydon's number 1, Farley open champ that's all butter wouldn't melt ...
#38 Print Post
Posted on 08-03-2013 00:22
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So even in ur points system id still be 5th..and brooker ur right.ive payed well all season.and even though im.playing div 2 there are still very good players who are capable of dishing....uv got miller,watkins,darren leech etc who may i add are no where near the top 10.and all very capable of beating and competing with the best in croydon.im a team player too.im just saying it wld be an achievement to do well in the overall rankings as this is the 1st i have done a full season and took it a bit more serious.im looking forward to the summer in div 1 as im sure ill learn alot more which is my whole plan.and to hope to give top players a good game and maybe even win a few Grin
#39 Print Post
Posted on 08-03-2013 00:34
Must Get Out More

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tel n y would u b 6th (kelloggs jumped us both with his missing win) coz uv ada gr8 season n deserve to b up there m8 but wen u look at the season sum ov the div1 players av ad i think its fair that it would work out that they would b above u ,met,mev,billy n danny all class players who av ad good seasons aswel in a tougher arena ,not taking nothing away from how wel uv done just think they av done better than u n better than me yea butter wouldn't melt ...
#40 Print Post
Posted on 08-03-2013 03:02
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Not doubting you there mate.im still learning and and sone of the named have played many more yrs than me.the next yr will be a massive learning curv for me.so hopefully ill be able to compete with the big boys soon n whoop ur old arse lol
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