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division 1 individuals play offs
#21 Print Post
Posted on 10-05-2013 14:25
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 06.10.07

After having read through these threads and fully understanding both sides of the argument, I believe that what Phil Wates has offered (via his e-mail and my response below), and what Sean Kelly and Billy Barnet have offered (via web site which was read by me after responding to Phil?s e-mail) then a compromise can be found by awarding 5 Joint Winner trophies which would not be a financial burden on the League?s finances. If this is agreeable then I will action it forthwith.

[i]Morning Phil,

Yes I have read the threads and as you say that when you left the message it clearly stated that Peter could not make the Play-Offs due to a family funeral with no mention of a possible postponement. When I listened to the message the day before the Play-Offs I immediately contacted the ref.

Although this may sound harsh, the Play-Offs were played and for the League to hold them again would be discourteous to the other players concerned who played out the competition and so we, the committee, would not instruct that to happen.

Your offer of offsetting the oncost to award 5 Joint Winners via not awarding the Doubles KO Runners-Up awards is a noble and sincere offer but alas there still would be a financial shortfall to accomodate that request so I would also have to decline that.

What I will suggest is that you contact the other 4 players and if they are willing to replay the Play-Offs with the inclusion of Peter Knight then the League would have no issues with that.

Kind regards

Mark Halsey

-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Wates <philip.wates@gmail.com>
To: croydonpoollge <croydonpoollge@aol.com>
Sent: Thu, 9 May 2013 22:35
Hi Mark

I don't know if you've seen the thread on website about Div 1 play-offs. Peter Knight texted me on 6 May to say he couldn't make the Tuesday because his uncle had died and he had to attend a funeral and i then left that message on your answerphone. There may have been some wires crossed because I didn't consider that the play-off could or would be rearranged and didn't realise, until reading Peter's posts on thread, that he had wanted me to ask for it to be rearranged.

Some are suggesting that it should be replayed or that 5 trophies be presented. Mark Eldridge and John Little would be willing to give up their doubles runners up trophies if that helps.

Let me know your thoughts.

#22 Print Post
Posted on 10-05-2013 15:39
Quite The Regular

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knighty wrote:
After reading over these threads it would appear that my own thread had a tad of anger attached to it.By no means did i intend to claim you and hughie were behaving unsportsmanlike, only that in texting my secretary two days before hand to let him know the situation i did feel i would get a chance to contest the playoff.Ofcourse if not knowing this you would rightly carry on contesting it amongst yourselfs.Its just that now it leaves a bitter taste to the end of what was a good season through no fault of my own wall

My Dad's said he's just seen the post and didn't realise why you weren't there and would have postponed it otherwise. He also said he's happy to play you whenever you want Pete and if you win, then you can share the winners with Jacko.
#23 Print Post
Posted on 10-05-2013 15:52
Must Get Out More

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TomT wrote:
knighty wrote:
After reading over these threads it would appear that my own thread had a tad of anger attached to it.By no means did i intend to claim you and hughie were behaving unsportsmanlike, only that in texting my secretary two days before hand to let him know the situation i did feel i would get a chance to contest the playoff.Ofcourse if not knowing this you would rightly carry on contesting it amongst yourselfs.Its just that now it leaves a bitter taste to the end of what was a good season through no fault of my own wall

My Dad's said he's just seen the post and didn't realise why you weren't there and would have postponed it otherwise. He also said he's happy to play you whenever you want Pete and if you win, then you can share the winners with Jacko.
This is another valid option to go in line with the original draw and no players having to waiver their awards as per their offers.
#24 Print Post
Posted on 10-05-2013 16:08
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 07.03.11

Nice gesture from hughie but he knows as do I he beat swetty in the re drawn event so then it would not b fair on swetty as he woz drawn against me...its sad about the reasons for peters non attendance but the clear clear facts r he made no attempt to rearrange,postpone or play his semi b4 hand n there av only been comments after the event...the circumstances ov peters non attendance aside the games av been played n should stand as again I must point out no attempt woz made to rearrange...wev all gone out ov our way n juggled our lives to play in them play offs butter wouldn't melt ...
#25 Print Post
Posted on 10-05-2013 16:47
Must Get Out More

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jacko wrote:
Nice gesture from hughie but he knows as do I he beat swetty in the re drawn event so then it would not b fair on swetty as he woz drawn against me...its sad about the reasons for peters non attendance but the clear clear facts r he made no attempt to rearrange,postpone or play his semi b4 hand n there av only been comments after the event...the circumstances ov peters non attendance aside the games av been played n should stand as again I must point out no attempt woz made to rearrange...wev all gone out ov our way n juggled our lives to play in them play offs butter wouldn't melt ...

Tony, lets not complicate matters here ..... Gary (in that re-draw between you and him) would have played Peter Knight but originally went through as Peter was made a BYE. He has had his crack at the whip against Hughie and now Hughie himself has offered this option so I don't know where Gary comes into the equation here. Lets put the shoe on the other foot for one moment ........ suppose it was you in the position that Peter Knight found himself in and your secretary phoned me to say you could not make it without requesting a postponement of the event and it went ahead without you in it ........ what sort of noises would you be making ?
#26 Print Post
Posted on 10-05-2013 17:06
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As I'm still registered to the better halfs ill give up my runner up trophy also.
Special K
#27 Print Post
Posted on 10-05-2013 17:59
Must Get Out More

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Deutch wrote:
jacko wrote:
Nice gesture from hughie but he knows as do I he beat swetty in the re drawn event so then it would not b fair on swetty as he woz drawn against me...its sad about the reasons for peters non attendance but the clear clear facts r he made no attempt to rearrange,postpone or play his semi b4 hand n there av only been comments after the event...the circumstances ov peters non attendance aside the games av been played n should stand as again I must point out no attempt woz made to rearrange...wev all gone out ov our way n juggled our lives to play in them play offs butter wouldn't melt ...

Tony, lets not complicate matters here ..... Gary (in that re-draw between you and him) would have played Peter Knight but originally went through as Peter was made a BYE. He has had his crack at the whip against Hughie and now Hughie himself has offered this option so I don't know where Gary comes into the equation here. Lets put the shoe on the other foot for one moment ........ suppose it was you in the position that Peter Knight found himself in and your secretary phoned me to say you could not make it without requesting a postponement of the event and it went ahead without you in it ........ what sort of noises would you be making ?

100% agree with this mark bang on! Jacko com on mate give the guy a chance! Stop being silly!
Back to back singles winner, croydon's number 1, Farley open champ that's all butter wouldn't melt ...
#28 Print Post
Posted on 10-05-2013 18:28
Must Get Out More

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We need to put this to sleep as I have to submit the trophy order after Sat May 25th so the 2 options on the table that i can see is :-

1 - Ignore the previously played Play-Offs and award all 5 with Joint Winner trophies which will be funded by waivered trophies from other comps that players involved have offered.


2 - Peter plays Hughie to determine the Joint Winner with Tony Jackson

What's it going to be gentlemen ? and I would like to hear the thoughts of the 5 concerned players either on here or e-mail me at croydonpoollge@aol.com
#29 Print Post
Posted on 10-05-2013 18:31
Must Get Out More

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Danny danny danny the draw woz top half semi hughie v peter bottom half semi steve to play the wina out ov me n swetty so swetty woz in a different half to hughie n could not meet him til the final but as peter woz a no show swetty got shuffled up to the top half to play hughie wen actually hughie should ov ada bye but graciously agreed to the re drawn format...hughie as offered to play peter for the chance to share the title in his place....if I wer in peters situation I would ov contacted every1 n given them the option to rearrange if they did not mind...simple really but I would not ov done nothing n then questioned peoples sportsmanship if I ad not asked the question....is that clear enuf for u to understand now butter wouldn't melt ...
#30 Print Post
Posted on 10-05-2013 18:38
Must Get Out More

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Tony, Tony, Tony ........ don't matter which way you paint this up, I don't think for one minute anyones "Sportsmanship" is being questioned here. We are faced with a situation that can be put right, In a sporting way !!! ..... so give me your thoughts to whats on the table at the moment.
Triple C
#31 Print Post
Posted on 10-05-2013 19:09
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Look to me like enough people have waivered their trophies so I think there should just be 5 winners (with Tony's one being 5cm bigger if he wants! ;P)
#32 Print Post
Posted on 10-05-2013 19:19
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The Eagles would gladly forgo their k.o cup trophies to give all 5 a trophy
I have always hated the playoff option (although understand it as a financial problem).
These players turn up week in week out and I think they should all be rewarded.
As I said if there is money available by teams wavering their trophies let them all get one,
and if necessary mention Jacko and Hughie won the playoff before the league adopted another option?
#33 Print Post
Posted on 10-05-2013 19:55
Must Get Out More

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nuttmeg wrote:
The Eagles would gladly forgo their k.o cup trophies to give all 5 a trophy
I have always hated the playoff option (although understand it as a financial problem).
These players turn up week in week out and I think they should all be rewarded.
As I said if there is money available by teams wavering their trophies let them all get one,
and if necessary mention Jacko and Hughie won the playoff before the league adopted another option?

Seems to be a sensible solution to me Mr Nuttman ..... whether the other players agree or not remains to be seen!!
Special K
#34 Print Post
Posted on 10-05-2013 20:32
Must Get Out More

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Seems to me the only solution is hughie to play Peter as hughie has said the others had there chance n lost that way no 1 gives up trophies all have had a fair go.........
Back to back singles winner, croydon's number 1, Farley open champ that's all butter wouldn't melt ...
#35 Print Post
Posted on 10-05-2013 20:39
Must Get Out More

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Special K wrote:
Seems to me the only solution is hughie to play Peter as hughie has said the others had there chance n lost that way no 1 gives up trophies all have had a fair go.........

Another sensible solution and as they are both on the table I really would like to know the thoughts of
Gary Swettenham, Steve Potter, Hugh Telford and Tony Jackson.
#36 Print Post
Posted on 10-05-2013 23:20
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I know Steve Potter said it was his proudest individual achievement in pool after 15 years of trying to win the individuals albeit tied, now with nothing to show for it.If Peter had been there on the night the draw would have been completely different with Gary playing Jacko in a (1st round draw) there fore it would be unfair on Hughie and the other players there that night if Peter simply played one game of pool against Hughie. I still think the fairest option is to give them all one.
#37 Print Post
Posted on 10-05-2013 23:31
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One other thing, and this is directed at Peter Knight ..... can you advise me what exactly you are looking for in this situation as this has all come about from your secretary informing me that you could not attend the play-offs due to you attending a funeral without a request for a postponement. The other 4 players turned up and played so what is your thoughts on the matter ?.
#38 Print Post
Posted on 11-05-2013 03:01
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Although it pains me to say it deutch in not being clearer to my secretary that it was my intention to contest it probably due to might state of mind and also to bring this matter to a close i feel it should just be left as it is and want to thank all those wanting to give up trophys for the 5 of us very humbling and to hughie for the oppurtunity for shot at it after all like steve potter, felt proud to end the season top and certainly wanted a crack at the playoff. It just now feels the right thing to do. Sorry for any offence i may of caused to some and will just have to put it down to experience i guess
#39 Print Post
Posted on 11-05-2013 18:43
Quite The Regular

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#40 Print Post
Posted on 12-05-2013 02:42
Home From Home

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I totally agree with triple c...every one won it.so now people have offered there trophies then the easy solution is for them all to get a trophie...hugie has also been very kind to offer to play peter..every one should get a trophie.as someone said people have turned up week in week out and all won it and done well.a one frame game is a joke after a whole season of playing.jacko i normally agree with what u say.just not this time.theres no reason why u all cant just share it
Im croydons no 1....even when i lose i win-NEIL HALL
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