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Winter League Presentation Night
#21 Print Post
Posted on 29-07-2013 20:21
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 06.10.07

jacko wrote:
not sure ov the costings mark but maybe medals for every none winning event n then giv people the option for a decent trophie or medals for the winners ,I totally understand the league as shrunk so there is less money to spare so would medals make a substantial difference?butter wouldn't melt ...


I have tried for years to put a proposal through that for all team events (whether Winners, Runners-Up or Semi-Finalists) that all players are awarded medals and the Individual Awards are Trophies. I can get various size and colour medals (in presentation cases) that do reflect this ie :

87mm Gold for all League, League Cup and KO Cup Winners
60mm Silver for all the above Runners-Up
56mm Bronze for all Cup Semi-Finalsts
38mm Bronze for Stage 1 Group Winners in the League Cup

After costing this up using the numbers that we had on Saturday this would have cost ?182 more than what was paid out for the trophies on Sat night but would have been ?538 less than what we paid in 11/12, ?1031 less than 10/11, ?1791 less than 09/10, ?1768 less than 08/09, ?2398 less than 07/08 and 1024 less than 06/07.

Personally, I think its the way forward as the bigger picture presents lower fees if the League should grow again but if it continues into decline then there won?t be a League and we would not be having this conversation.
#22 Print Post
Posted on 29-07-2013 20:25
Must Get Out More

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knocky wrote:
Can't comment on size of trophies but what I will say is that if struggling on budget why is it that when commitie members are required to adjudicate matches like semis and finals in main and plate why do they each get paid ? 20 a turn ? Surely that should be an honor to do. If not I'm sure there's plenty of players that would do it for nothing including myself which would save the league some dosh

This was recognised last season by the committee themselves Chris and only finals are done now.
#23 Print Post
Posted on 29-07-2013 23:04
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At the end of the day if you win a trophy its yours, wether you want to piss in it, throw it away or f.u.c.k.i.n.g frame it and hang it from your ceiling like a chandelier it's yours to do whatever you want with it.. Some people don't even bother to turn up to collect them yet I don't see them getting slated on here and I bet half the people on this website that are b.itching about this certain individual or individuals throw there's away ..
Edited by qwerty on 29-07-2013 23:07
#24 Print Post
Posted on 29-07-2013 23:39
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Bazza u r correct in that it is yours to do with it what u please but to throw it against a wall outside the venue is basically insulting the whole league and idea of a trophy nite.
If u dont want the trophy then dont turn up to collect it, better still dont enter the league.
#25 Print Post
Posted on 30-07-2013 00:04
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metin250 wrote:

If u dont want the trophy then dont turn up to collect it, better still dont enter the league.

So by this post I take it you mean that you should only enter this pool league in the hunt for trophies? And therefor all the teams that turn up on Tuesdays purely for a night out, a beer and game of pool win or lose should not enter next season? just because someone doesn't feel the same for a trophy as others doesn't mean they don't care about the league or people in the league ..
Edited by qwerty on 30-07-2013 00:32
#26 Print Post
Posted on 30-07-2013 00:46
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No play the league all you want but turning up to the presentation night and excepting an award then throwing them against the wall coz they are not big enough just says disrespectful!
I for one aint that bothered either way about the size of trophies but i would nt except it then throw it back in the guys face who gave it to me.
People enter league pool for various reasons but you cant tell me that winning something doesnt mean anything to you!
The idea of a trophy is to remind you of that achievement in the years to come and be proud of it , big or small. If that person didnt want it then they should have said so earlier and the money could have gone somewhere else.
At least discard it at home and not outside the venue for everyone to see! Lol

#27 Print Post
Posted on 30-07-2013 02:39
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You lot make me laugh.

Every year for about the past decade you have been moaning about the presentation night, bad location, not enough bar staff,wrong venue, no parking, presentation was held too late because i wanted to turn up at 8.30, get my trophy at 8.40 & f**k of at 8.50 without buying a drink.

How many of you went up to the likes of Mark Halsey, Bob Todd or any of the other committee members saturday night & said thanks.

Some of them have been running this league since i started playing 29 years ago without any financial reward or gain other than providing a pool league for us to play in & enjoy & year in year out all they seem to get is grief.

The world is full of millions of people who say i could do that, but in fact there are very few that actually get off their a*ses & actually do it. Enjoy what we have why we have it because as soon as these guys call it a day i bet there will be very few people willing to take their places & even fewer who will do as good a job as they have done over the years.

Stop moaning that yout trophy doesn't match the size of your ego & appreciate it for what it represents.

If you think smashing your trophy outside the venue in which the committee booked a night out for you, arranged the purchase of the trophies, arranged delivery of the trophies, set all the trophies out, collated all the information throughout the year so they knew who won them & then presented them to you out of their own time & effort isn't disrespectful then you are wrong, because it is.

Try appreciating what they do & saying thanks for once instead of finding something to moan about, they don't make a profit & all the funds are put back into the league one way or another, so you got the trophy that you paid for which is a lot more than other teams who won nothing.

Its just a game of pool, try enjoying it, didn't see Mark or Bob pick up a trophy Saturday night (Maybe they did, i couldn't hear because of all the noise, more disrespect for your fellow players this time) it didn't stop them & others putting on a good night so you could all pick up yours.
Edited by Brooker on 30-07-2013 02:41
I would rather be playing golf
#28 Print Post
Posted on 30-07-2013 04:00
Getting The Hang Of It

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Spot on Chris.
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#29 Print Post
Posted on 30-07-2013 05:00
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I am sure local schools/charities would have appreciated unwanted trophies, that would have been far better than smashing them up

In the past, when uncollected from presentation nights, they have been donated and been reused for sports days, etc I believe
#30 Print Post
Posted on 30-07-2013 05:24
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Feel really disappointed that Chris Brooker somebody who I used to think of as a friend, entered my subcontious while I was asleep and published my thoughts on here before I got a chance to do so myself, really upset. Www.Chrisisthe real inception.com
#31 Print Post
Posted on 30-07-2013 14:31
Must Get Out More

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Nice words Mr Brooker and well appreciated and there were a lot of people that did say thanks on sat night. I'm involved in running this league for the majority and not the minority but do sincerely recognnise that the minority has a voice along with the majority. I've learnt over the years that you cannot please everyone but if the majority are pleased then your doing the job right.
Special K
#32 Print Post
Posted on 30-07-2013 17:05
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 20.10.10

Why not make it a money league? Think it be better and if u win u can buy what Eva trophies u like!
Back to back singles winner, croydon's number 1, Farley open champ that's all butter wouldn't melt ...
I C Cool
#33 Print Post
Posted on 30-07-2013 19:07
Quite The Regular

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Danny I have the greatest respect for you and all the people that wish to make a buck because you are capable, but getting rinsed perpetually is not fun for lesser mortals!! so please form your own league and fund it accordingly if its all about ????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I see many people that will and have enthused re MONEY but the majority of croydon pool members do not!! they are very happy to participate and get any awards however big/small they are when due.

I for one have played to a reasonable standard over the MANY years I have been a CDPL member and have pushed from div6(yes div6) when there were a great many more venues/teams and players wishing to enjoy a monday/tuesday night out with pals for a drink and some pool, if an award came there way a bonus.

Oh! btw, Chris, Mr Halsey did collect an award with The Loyalists saturday.

P.S. I did see the trophy destruction that is being talked about and was very disappointed with the individual concerned and voiced an opinion, a great shame alcohol destroys the rationale.

P.P.S Many thanks to the committee (Mark H, Mark S, Bob,Jason & Chris & Dj,s), I thoroughly enjoyed the evening as did my daughter(bless
her cotton socks).

#34 Print Post
Posted on 30-07-2013 20:19
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 07.10.07

[quote]I C Cool wrote:

P.S. I did see the trophy destruction that is being talked about and was very disappointed with the individual concerned and voiced an opinion, a great shame alcohol destroys the rationale.

P.P.S Many thanks to the committee (Mark H, Mark S, Bob,Jason & Chris & Dj,s), I thoroughly enjoyed the evening as did my daughter(bless
her cotton socks).

Dr.Cool.[/quote. We all know which player is too blame for the trophy throwing and yet ******* all is done and yes this same person caused problems at the last presentation come on Croydon pool show some balls will ya. Mick o donnell our sec would have told him he's no longer required, and don't defend him by saying he's young and learning ffs boat already sailed
summer champs 2008trophyone
div 1 individual winner 2008trophyone
and knockout cup winners 2008 trophyone
croydon singles league iv prem winnertrophyone
plus league cup winners 2011,2012.2014trophyone
plus ko cup plate winners 2011 trophyone summer doubles winners 2010trophyonewinter league champs 2017trophyone
and lots of runner up trophys which have been given to local schools.
#35 Print Post
Posted on 30-07-2013 20:39
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money money money thats not what tues is about. anyway being the budget in the league is dwindling every year what would any individual who won anything realistically receive? ?15-?20 at best? hardly worth it really is it! as many have said its not the size of the trophy its the achievement that matters. still one good thing about it being a money league i guess is that you cant imagine the same idiot on saturday throwing a ?20 note away. eh

we may need a bigger boat..!
I C Cool
#36 Print Post
Posted on 30-07-2013 20:53
Quite The Regular

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Knocky, I do know to whom we r speaking of but I do feel it is not my place to quell this instance but to advise said individual, also, said individual was not a member of my collective and was showing his disdain from past circumstances I feel, to which I cannot comment as I do not know the full story.

He is now a member of my merry band and has been informed of our displeasure of behaviour to which there has been an improvement of temperament. WATCH THIS SPACE!!!
Edited by I C Cool on 30-07-2013 20:59
#37 Print Post
Posted on 30-07-2013 22:20
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I see his point. I picked this up for league cup group stage runners up just a few years ago...

#38 Print Post
Posted on 30-07-2013 22:42
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That picture looks like you have just thought of a really good idea.
I would rather be playing golf
#39 Print Post
Posted on 30-07-2013 23:09
Quite The Regular

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#40 Print Post
Posted on 30-07-2013 23:40
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 07.03.11

I believe I saw trophies bein smashed but cant b totally sure who did it,all I noticed woz a certain group ov people around laughing at it...whoever knows who it was should say,i woz thinking it woz my fav group ov people but steves comments are making me think it woz sum young ex prop kid....please confirm steve....fancy we need to have sum code ov conduct rules,smashing these trophies whilst stil at the presentation is a pure insult to our league and yes barry they may well have the right to do so but not at the venue itself,i say we simply tell this person or persons there no longer invited to play in our league...butter wouldn't melt ...
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