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#21 Print Post
Posted on 02-12-2013 20:19
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I've never won the Singles, as I always get drawn against someone who beats me, sooner or later. It's an outrage!

#22 Print Post
Posted on 02-12-2013 21:31
Quite The Regular

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Jacko, that is crazy espec coming from someone who has won it a number of times
i played in the sgles a few times & got beat mainly by top div 1 players & that is the nature of the beast, i was not an elite player but managed to win it 1 year overcoming 5 top 10 10/20 players en-route, which i knew i would have to do & did it - am pretty sure when seeing my name they all expected to beat me, but luck be a lady n all that they did not Pfft
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#23 Print Post
Posted on 02-12-2013 23:02
Must Get Out More

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Me olde m8 jacko has took a rite pasting very enjoyable avvvvvvvvvvv it!!!
Back to back singles winner, croydon's number 1, Farley open champ that's all butter wouldn't melt ...
#24 Print Post
Posted on 02-12-2013 23:04
Quite The Regular

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I personally don't think the draw is rigged but if that chopper kelliher has won it twice it must be lool
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#25 Print Post
Posted on 02-12-2013 23:07
Must Get Out More

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Looooool bunter very true sir
Back to back singles winner, croydon's number 1, Farley open champ that's all butter wouldn't melt ...
#26 Print Post
Posted on 03-12-2013 04:05
Must Get Out More

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Exactly bunter , u can c my logic.....tis quite funny tho think sum ov these people stil fink the world is flat...iv been in this league many years n this is sumthin wat as been clearly noticed year in year out but sum obviously av not noticed it as it prob does not apply to them...get your crayons out tis clearly beyond u...butter wouldn't melt ...
#27 Print Post
Posted on 03-12-2013 04:43
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jacko wrote:
best thing to do i guess mark is ava open public draw to put all these thousands ov doubters minds at rest...

Surely the best thing to do for the league would be to get these thousands of doubters to sign up, then the league would be up to about 20 divisions!
#28 Print Post
Posted on 03-12-2013 04:51
Must Get Out More

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Gr8 idea can u propse that...better not use ur crayons tho...butter wouldn't melt ...
#29 Print Post
Posted on 03-12-2013 06:08
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I could do but I have no idea who these thousands of people are.
#30 Print Post
Posted on 03-12-2013 06:50
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People with talent at the higher echelon who av ad the intelligence to notice bizarre patterns....if neither ov this is applicable to u then I can Understand how it may ov sailed straight over ur ed all these years...it would b but a dream for truth to b admitted but it wont n the brown nosers will b brown nosers...tis all very sad me thinks...seen sum gr8 egg cups for sale in poundstretchers y dont we put the subs up to ?250 a year n we can av them next year...r u lot blind butter wouldn't melt ...
Edited by jacko on 03-12-2013 06:52
#31 Print Post
Posted on 03-12-2013 07:41
Must Get Out More

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I am slightly confused Jacko. Is this now about Value for Money on subs, or fixing draws. What is the accusation?

#32 Print Post
Posted on 03-12-2013 08:58
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Na nothing, cant b asked with it really tis all bs ...sick ov all the lies...Croydon pool is slowly dying n so b it...in recent times iv tried to change things n make things fairer but its all blox there is so so much wrong with our league itsa joke...took years to bring in world rules its like wer always behind the times n full ov self serving people...rankings is blox...trophies r blox...draws r blox tis an old dying dinosaur n wen u try n rectify anything u get fckin idiots trying to deny theres a prob...fck it I cant b asked no more theres no morals...butter wouldn't melt ...
#33 Print Post
Posted on 03-12-2013 15:02
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For someone who has achieved so much in the croydon league I think you should seriously read the rubbish your writing on here Jacko..because all your doing is making yourself look like a bitter old man with an axe to grind ...if your Fed up with all the fixing and lies and and can't be assed any more then just pack it all in...Tuesday is meant to be a social gathering and some pool and a laugh and maybe a trophy at the end for some ..none of us are exactly pro's,but it seems for you its a big ego trip of I want I want...if you've got all this support behind you then get names on paper and present it at the next agm.

we may need a bigger boat..!
#34 Print Post
Posted on 03-12-2013 15:36
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of course it's rigged...

mev asked for an easy draw and he got jacko...!!!

rigging takes thought, time and effort, i'm sure mark can't be bothered with all that just to stitch you up jacko, albeit after your posts he might start now...!

jacko as you're the best player it shouldn't bother you. it's the other thousands that should be complaining.
in my 20 years of CDPL i've never heard of anyone suggesting a rigged draw, i've only entered a few times in the past and got one of the favourites in the first round, that's just the way it is!

as for trophies, i like them small, otherwise i'd run out of shelve space in my snooker room... it's the title and winning with your mates that counts...

i'm suprised no-one has told you before size doesn't matter...!

as brooker says, don't bite the hand that feeds you
#35 Print Post
Posted on 03-12-2013 15:42
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Edited by nuttmeg on 03-12-2013 15:52
#36 Print Post
Posted on 03-12-2013 15:50
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Tony, nobody will disagree with you about the size of the pool league dwindling, but that is more to do with the closure of hundreds of pubs in the Croydon area, a lot of the lower league teams left because they don't like world rules. But this rant is spiraling,accusations of draw rigging and embezzling is mad.
Edited by nuttmeg on 03-12-2013 16:21
#37 Print Post
Posted on 04-12-2013 07:49
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There is so much I could say about this, I don't even know where to start....and I would probably be here all night...

Suffice it to say, I KNOW the draw is not rigged, you can't keep buying big trophies when there is less money coming into the league, and I have NEVER heard anyone complain the draw is rigged.

As a winner of the comps on more than one occasion in the past, you obviously have the quality to win it Jacko...are you feeling a little threatened that maybe your powers are dwindling with age??? I cannot see any other reason for the comments you are making, and would suggest an open apology might be the best way forward to closing this matter sooner rather than later - I predict nothing good will come from pursuing this avenue....
#38 Print Post
Posted on 05-12-2013 01:56
Quite The Regular

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With respect to how things were done in the past that's history. Seems to me that we just need clarification of what the process on how the draws are made now ? Then, if everyone is happy with the process, then that one's done and dusted ?

With respect to the cost of running leagues, it may be worth doing a bit of bench-marking with other pool leagues to understand relative costs and what they may be doing better than us, and learn from them ? Lewisham league is ?65 a year, and the trophies this year were very impressive.
#39 Print Post
Posted on 05-12-2013 07:20
Must Get Out More

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Jesus m8 dont start talking sense coz ur upset the arse lickers butter wouldn't melt ...
#40 Print Post
Posted on 05-12-2013 21:59
Home From Home

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me 2 finks it fixd I aint 1 it ever
must b fixd
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