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CroydonPool.com - The CDPL Online Community :: Croydon & District Pool League :: Winter League
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#21 Print Post
Posted on 13-04-2014 02:39
Must Get Out More

Posts: 578
Joined: 06.10.07

Flash, its all about fair play and not another Biggin Blundells winning the division by 46 points, who by the way have also been shuffled up to Div.1 ...... It has nothing to do with doing The Folly a favour as I don't do favours in my position. You will have the quorum of the unpredictables signed for your team and whether you play them or not then that is your team captains perogative but nevertheless according to your secretary they will be part of your team.
the flash
#22 Print Post
Posted on 13-04-2014 05:21
Quite The Regular

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so if a team wants to improve itself, getting a couple of better players in, they then get punished even though they haven't won anything, yeah sounds fair, well you might find some of those players de register as they are upset with what has happened due to them.

And when someone privately (previous messages stated) has a word on something they don't like, even when they are wrong and get what they want, i'd say thats doing them a favour, whether you do it on purpose or not.

I'm not going to change my opinion no matter what you say, you are wrong in so many ways, but going on about it isn't going to change it, I've seen fixed horse races that have more credence than this decision.
because i can
#23 Print Post
Posted on 13-04-2014 15:40
Must Get Out More

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Flash, I’m all for a team trying to improve themselves but when you sign and in the process of signing best part of an established 1st Division side (with the exception of only 2 players that are not) and it is brought to the attention of the committee then it needs to be looked at. I have had no arguments raised by your team secretary who has confirmed the above. We have had over the years the teams that deliberately entered late to be put in a lower division and teams that signed good players after the seasons fixtures were circulated and at the end of the day the divisions should reflect the standard of players and that is not being disrespectful to a good, moderate or fun night out player. This committee will never keep everyone happy but you can be assured that a seen level parity of play is trying to be achieved. I don’t think that I have anymore to add on the matter but do look forward to hearing collective comments at the AGM in September. I spent the best part of 13 hours yesterday preparing the fixture lists, result cards etc etc etc and the summer league is now set up other than the KO competitions that I will deal with next weekend. Have a good season.
A King Disher
#24 Print Post
Posted on 13-04-2014 15:46
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Hey Mr. Teach, I think everyone has bypassed your post without comment ! I absolutely agree with you mate.
Why can't or aren't The Unpreds fielding their own team this summer and let the Divs pan out the way you describes. Afterall it's extra revenue into the League and I'm sure I can count atleast 6 of The Unpreds joining the Dukes.
It's a bit like the CueMasters saying they're taking a break for the summer and then joining The BLC Boshers, but they don't,they actually take a break. Apart from Mr. Teach that is. He's a true Loyalist, in every sense of the word.
the flash
#25 Print Post
Posted on 13-04-2014 16:15
Quite The Regular

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Hansdodishes, how do you work out 6 players !!. Mev came to me when the summer was being decided and asked if the team would mind him joining as he just wanted to fun and not take it to serious in the summer, The team were happy for that, Graf heard and then he asked. Mick and Fran were joining a team Micky Samuals was making but that fell through. MOD asked to join as he likes his Tuesday nights out. It is hardly signing the whole team and I believe the Upreds didn't have a team last season and maybe the season before that either.

And Mark that is what annoys me the most, you and others are making out this was a cunning underhanded plan to win the league, did we enter Mev and Graf after the time, where the forms sent in late, the answer is no to both.
because i can
#26 Print Post
Posted on 13-04-2014 16:36
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 07.10.07

I'm an unpredictable and not playing in the summer but if the folly are short of players I would love to give them a hand and I think Micky Samuels would sign up as well for the summer,just for the fun of course.
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#27 Print Post
Posted on 13-04-2014 21:36
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Quite The Regular

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Johnny HoyHoyHoy, you know I luvya but you're way off beam here.

As much as I find Andy's animosity towards 1st div players rather petty, the fact is I think the Folly would rather throw games than get promoted to div 1. His problem isn't us being in div 2, it's them being in div 1! That's why he offered for any team to take the Folly's place, and his suggesting the Dukes I'm sure was actually meant as a favour.

Also, if Mick and Micky have signed then we will indeed have 6 former Unpreds in the team. I don't think anyone is suggesting we've done this deliberately to win a div 2 trophy - we're quite capable of winning div 1 and having fun doing it.

My fear is that the Ban Man, being the gent that he is, has allowed a bunch of players he didn't want to join his team. That's partly your fault - you're stuck with us now evil laugh
#28 Print Post
Posted on 14-04-2014 02:29
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 06.10.07

the flash wrote:
Hansdodishes, how do you work out 6 players !!. Mev came to me when the summer was being decided and asked if the team would mind him joining as he just wanted to fun and not take it to serious in the summer, The team were happy for that, Graf heard and then he asked. Mick and Fran were joining a team Micky Samuals was making but that fell through. MOD asked to join as he likes his Tuesday nights out. It is hardly signing the whole team and I believe the Upreds didn't have a team last season and maybe the season before that either.

And Mark that is what annoys me the most, you and others are making out this was a cunning underhanded plan to win the league, did we enter Mev and Graf after the time, where the forms sent in late, the answer is no to both.

John, how you construde my posts I have no say in the matter but I along with the League's committee have never thought of any underhanded plan going on. I used those examples to show what steps we will take if it is blatantly obvious and brought to our attention that a team is too strong for a certain division and the membership have given us license to act accordingly ....... Its nothing personal.
#29 Print Post
Posted on 15-04-2014 06:43
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to change the subject slightly I have joined One man short, Mr Halsey is it too late to enter the singles and for me and Steve Deegan to enter the doubles?
#30 Print Post
Posted on 15-04-2014 11:55
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 06.10.07

nuttmeg wrote:
to change the subject slightly I have joined One man short, Mr Halsey is it too late to enter the singles and for me and Steve Deegan to enter the doubles?

Its not too late but i do need your registrations to validate your entries.
the flash
#31 Print Post
Posted on 15-04-2014 14:48
Quite The Regular

Posts: 128
Joined: 05.10.07

Oh dear, thats at least two div 1 players in a div 2 team, Folly won't be happy !!!!
because i can
#32 Print Post
Posted on 15-04-2014 15:56
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the flash wrote:
Oh dear, thats at least two div 1 players in a div 2 team, Folly won't be happy !!!!

nuttmeg is tony nuttman.... you must have thought it was someone else john...!!!
#33 Print Post
Posted on 15-04-2014 23:27
Home From Home

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Joined: 09.10.07

cheeky bastad Ive been in Division 1 longer than you've had your hair piece.

you are right thoughsnigger
Edited by nuttmeg on 15-04-2014 23:28
#34 Print Post
Posted on 16-04-2014 17:16
Getting The Hang Of It

Posts: 41
Joined: 03.06.09

RasFas wrote:

As much as I find Andy's animosity towards 1st div players rather petty, the fact is I think the Folly would rather throw games than get promoted to div 1. His problem isn't us being in div 2, it's them being in div 1! That's why he offered for any team to take the Folly's place, and his suggesting the Dukes I'm sure was actually meant as a favour.

RasFas - animosity is a very strong word - I would love to know how you think I have demonstrated it???? Also the suggestion that The Folly would deliberately throw games is completely unfounded and utter nonsense. We never have and never would throw a game - case in point last night - 4-0 down against the top of the division team we kept battling and ended up only losing 6-5.

The simple fact of the matter is we know we are not good enough to play in Div 1 at the moment having only finished 6th in Div 2 last summer and currently in the bottom half of Div 2 this winter and would therefore prefer not to. We have the bare 5 players, only one of whom picks up a cue more than once a week but we come out for a laugh and a beer and try our best. The likelihood is that a couple of them would probably have dropped out had we remained in Div 1 which would have resulted in yet another team leaving the league. As you rightly point out, we were happy for any other team to take our place in Div 1.

I would also point out that this is not the first time a team has been shuffled up, asked not to be and their request has been granted.
#35 Print Post
Posted on 16-04-2014 17:58
Home From Home

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Or just give up the summer leauge and get on the golf course IMO
#36 Print Post
Posted on 16-04-2014 20:12
Getting The Hang Of It

Posts: 41
Joined: 03.06.09

handbrake wrote:
Or just give up the summer leauge and get on the golf course IMO

applauseI wish!!!
#37 Print Post
Posted on 23-04-2014 14:48
Must Get Out More

Posts: 578
Joined: 06.10.07

I was informed last night that The Propeller are withdrawing from the Summer League so a revised Division 1 fixture list will be circulated to Div.1 teams and BYES will be awarded to all opponents in the the 1st Rounds of all KO comps and confirmed to those teams/players secretaries.

The following Propeller players will be unable to play for any team within the summer season :-

Ricky Cook
Dean Cooper
Tony Jackson
Paul MacQuire
Leon Pope
Paul Richards

Due to the following rules being applied

11 - A player may apply for a transfer to another team with the two team secretaries being in agreement. If an agreement has not been reached then the player may apply to the committee direct. Permission will then be solely at the discretion of the committee and will only be granted provided that they feel there is no Unsporting Gamesmanship being practised.
a - Players who do transfer during a season will become new players for their respective new team and forfeit any divisional singles wins accumulated from their old team.
b - The terms and conditions of this rule will not apply to any player who is a member of a withdrawn or suspended team.
Edited by Viper on 23-04-2014 19:05
#38 Print Post
Posted on 23-04-2014 19:06
Must Get Out More

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#39 Print Post
Posted on 24-04-2014 02:08
Must Get Out More

Posts: 716
Joined: 07.10.07

What's happened to the prop ?
Still 6 players available and good players to boot
Tis a shame if they have withdrawn
Looks like the legends are clear favourites for the summer title nowShock
summer champs 2008trophyone
div 1 individual winner 2008trophyone
and knockout cup winners 2008 trophyone
croydon singles league iv prem winnertrophyone
plus league cup winners 2011,2012.2014trophyone
plus ko cup plate winners 2011 trophyone summer doubles winners 2010trophyonewinter league champs 2017trophyone
and lots of runner up trophys which have been given to local schools.
#40 Print Post
Posted on 24-04-2014 16:10
Must Get Out More

Posts: 888
Joined: 02.10.07

It doesnt really seem fair to me that players are potentially banned, for a team withdrawing from the league before it commences, when in reality those players effected might not have been responsible for the withdrawal.

That said, I do obviously realise its a pain in the aris for the League Secretary, who would no doubt have already organised fixtures.

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