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CroydonPool.com - The CDPL Online Community :: Croydon & District Pool League :: Winter League
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Div1 week15
#1 Print Post
Posted on 29-02-2012 06:47
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 07.03.11

Unprd 5.5 bet half ....terrible game terrible standard n wat lovely opponents...laughable how I did not call a double hit foul against Ramsey coz didn't need the ag ona shot which the guy should call a foul on himself(like knocky did Ina earlier frame) n yet wen a few shots later he fouls again moving our ball after playing a shot I call the foul spotted by 4 ov us 1 ov them n 2 other dudes he givs me *******chalkin in front ov my face...this side is quiet possibly the most unsporting sides to play in our fine league there a disgrace...sum ov em seem nice guys but to many bad apples wit terrible attitude ruin it...a set ov filthy match balls,a kick every other shot n heavy metal music all nite made it a wonderful nite...O joy O joy can we do this every week wall butter wouldn't melt ...
#2 Print Post
Posted on 29-02-2012 07:42
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Eagles 9-1 forum
1 nil down and in a lot of trouble next 2 frames but thanks to a good df and a bad shot we turned it around and played some very good stuff especially potter who did a very good dish.
Result needed as prop won 7-3 against q choppers!( I think they ll agree ) x
Special K
#3 Print Post
Posted on 29-02-2012 07:49
Must Get Out More

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What a geezer this jacko is! Terrible standard? Dunno wot game u was watching i thought we shud have nicked it there was loads of banter from both teams! You talk about sportmans ship but u failed to mention the good clearances that was taken out! Yea mark claims he didnt touch the ball there was strve b rite there and said the ball did not move we all saw it clearly didnt we was 4-3 up so we was expecting sum sort of nonsense but clearly we all saw you and mark shake on it and was laughing with each other! But u wanna get on here and bad mouth us? U was fine at the pub there was loads of banter it made it good but u wanna slag us of again! Thats your trouble we was actually gonna put a comment up here saying we enjoyed tonight and it was a laugh and a draw is maybe unfair to us as we deserved it we was gonna wish u luck for rest of season but u can shove that now so dissopointed in your comments as for table we had to play on it so wots the prob. We get slagged of but we can hold our own always will yessssss the sydenham massive elite wetter halfs 8 ball
Back to back singles winner, croydon's number 1, Farley open champ that's all butter wouldn't melt ...
#4 Print Post
Posted on 29-02-2012 08:53
Must Get Out More

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Like I said 7people including 1 ov ur players n 2guys from another team spotted the foul so wat r we all lying n cheating ? N as for the banter didn't really notice that just loudness n poor comments...1 comment Woz 'better halfs gona kill a man' ...not banter not funny just poor form me thinks...funny thing is sum ov ur players seem like good lads but all the unsporting comments just becomes tiresome...none ov us enjoyed it trust me...sum ov ur guys Ava chip on there shoulder n it as been noticed by many...nothing wrong wit passion n heart tho just sum ov u need to conduct urselves a little better ,Ava laugh n a beer n b polite would b a good start butter wouldn't melt ...
Special K
#5 Print Post
Posted on 29-02-2012 15:38
Must Get Out More

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No 1 in my team spotted the foul! Mark ramsay is honest he wud have owned up to it. U talk about our team saying we have chips on our shoulders but who come on here slagging us of saying we a disgrace! At the pub u didnt say a thing u was actually laughing and joking sort it out u didnt need to say wot u said thats unsporting. U wonder why u get a reaction from us maybe u do it on purpose who nos? And the kill him bit means another word like finish him we say it every week so dont come with that *******! Ur team are quite a nice bunch dont have a prob with them its just u with slagging us of thats why we bite shame really ur a good player u shud leave ur talking to the table but u dont so now its a different matter u make things worse! I remember your comment about me being elite having to step up and play the big boys well i played u yesterday and wot happend........ dancing
Back to back singles winner, croydon's number 1, Farley open champ that's all butter wouldn't melt ...
#6 Print Post
Posted on 29-02-2012 15:44
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Just when I thought our season could not get any worse we play like that!!! Judging bye one or two looks on the faces of prop players they could not believe how bad we were at times , but fair play to them they took the chances we gave them, just wish we would have made them work alot harder than we did , tough times for a team I believe is still pretty strong
#7 Print Post
Posted on 29-02-2012 15:48
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Must Get Out More

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Warbank 6 f.machine 4

Speed cloth was causing all sorts of problems!
Still a needed win though. Grin
#8 Print Post
Posted on 29-02-2012 15:52
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We can say this one slipped away, FAST!

#9 Print Post
Posted on 29-02-2012 16:38
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 07.03.11

chris in ur team spotted the foul along with 2guys from another side..4u not to accept it is basically calling us cheats n ramsey chalkin his cue in my face woz a disgrace especially as id already not called a double hit foul on him earlier coz i no all the grief sucha sportin team would cause...as for u beating me i woz finishing the game wen got no sliding from a dirty white while playing side getting a clumpy thud contact n costing me the frame(u cant play finesse sliders wit dirty pool balls n sumtimes u cant avoid avin 2play em)...pretty sure i done u 2zip in the singles last year...itsa shame u think ur teams behaviour is acceptable coz u can all play a good game n uv got sum nice guys playing 4u who get tarnished with the same brush...we try 2ava beer ava bit ov banter n a laugh b polite n get on with our opponants n enjoy playing in our league but sumtimes itsa chore wen sum guys behave poorly butter wouldn't melt ...
#10 Print Post
Posted on 29-02-2012 16:38
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I must say Well done to Ali Mevit for an amazing break and dish against joel...

Also well done to danny for a 2/2...
Edited by Rambo on 29-02-2012 16:47
#11 Print Post
Posted on 29-02-2012 16:46
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Ramsay wrote:
[quote]jacko wrote:
Unprd 5.5 bet half ....terrible game terrible standard n wat lovely opponents...laughable how I did not call a double hit foul against Ramsey coz didn't need the ag ona shot which the guy should call a foul on himself(like knocky did Ina earlier frame) n yet wen a few shots later he fouls again moving our ball after playing a shot I call the foul spotted by 4 ov us 1 ov them n 2 other dudes he givs me *******chalkin in front ov my face...this side is quiet possibly the most unsporting sides to play in our fine league there a disgrace...sum ov em seem nice guys but to many bad apples wit terrible attitude ruin it...a set ov filthy match balls,a kick every other shot n heavy metal music all nite made it a wonderful nite...O joy O joy can we do this every week wall butter wouldn't melt ...

I must say that your grammar is very shocking, I can't understand all what you just said.

So are you trying to say I fouled twice? That's where you are wrong, I infact didn't foul and even if I did I always own up. So I must thank you for calling that " cheating foul " because it gave me the game, Thanks to you that I cut in an amazing black ( Which you failed to mention ). Your team was very lucky to win cos we had the chance to go 5 - 3 up... The only disgrace is yourself for trying to cheat your way into a win! which you failed!! KARMA innit?

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Like I said 7people including 1 ov ur players n 2guys from another team spotted the foul so wat r we all lying n cheating ? N as for the banter didn't really notice that just loudness n poor comments...1 comment Woz 'better halfs gona kill a man' ...not banter not funny just poor form me thinks...funny thing is sum ov ur players seem like good lads but all the unsporting comments just becomes tiresome...none ov us enjoyed it trust me...sum ov ur guys Ava chip on there shoulder n it as been noticed by many...nothing wrong wit passion n heart tho just sum ov u need to conduct urselves a little better ,Ava laugh n a beer n b polite would b a good start butter wouldn't melt ...

Yeah right, Even I and Birdy who was right at the front of the table didn't see anything. So name the 9 people that " Saw a so called foul " The only cheat is yourself

Special K
No 1 in my team spotted the foul! Mark ramsay is honest he wud have owned up to it. I remember your comment about me being elite having to step up and play the big boys well i played u yesterday and wot happend........ dancing

He is right, I would have owned up to it after all it's only a game of pool...
Jacko, Are you pissed because you got whupped by Danny Boy? Hence why you posted on here lol?

chris in ur team spotted the foul along with 2guys from another side..4u not to accept it is basically calling us cheats n ramsey chalkin his cue in my face woz a disgrace especially as id already not called a double hit foul on him earlier coz i no all the grief sucha sportin team would cause...as for u beating me i woz finishing the game wen got no sliding from a dirty white while playing side getting a clumpy thud contact n costing me the frame(u cant play finesse sliders wit dirty pool balls n sumtimes u cant avoid avin 2play em)...pretty sure i done u 2zip in the singles last year...itsa shame u think ur teams behaviour is acceptable coz u can all play a good game n uv got sum nice guys playing 4u who get tarnished with the same brush...we try 2ava beer ava bit ov banter n a laugh b polite n get on with our opponants n enjoy playing in our league but sumtimes itsa chore wen sum guys behave poorly butter wouldn't melt ...

What exactly is a double hit foul? and where did i occur it? I gotta laugh at you complaining about how dirty the balls are and getting thud contacts, It's seem that it's only you that is whinning and complaining, If the balls was " that bad " why did you not request to get them cleaned?, I didn't have any problems with the balls, Do you complain about everything when things dont go your way like getting beat and almost losing the 2nd game too... You was very very very lucky to win one frame thats for sure!

The reason I chalked the cue is because if your little cheating antics! Your lucky to get away with a draw!
Edited by Rambo on 29-02-2012 16:55
#12 Print Post
Posted on 29-02-2012 16:55
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 07.03.11

ramsay every1 nos id never ever cheat so for u to say that just shows how ur mind set works...sumtimes people play a foul n dont realise it but to then accuse the ref ov cheating is poor form...ur behavior is a complete disgrace...ask chris who plays for UR TEAM if it woz a foul coz he n 6 others saw it...ur mugging urself by saying such things...i could never cheat ura rong un m8 butter wouldn't melt ...
Special K
#13 Print Post
Posted on 29-02-2012 16:56
Must Get Out More

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Yessssss the rambo!!!!! You tell him super super rambo great blk mate ur rite he never mentions any thing all he does is insult us and tony u mentioning a year ago???? I am about present yesssssssss the halfs sydenham massive!
Back to back singles winner, croydon's number 1, Farley open champ that's all butter wouldn't melt ...
#14 Print Post
Posted on 29-02-2012 16:59
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WE FEAR NO FOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#15 Print Post
Posted on 29-02-2012 17:08
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jacko wrote:
ramsay every1 nos id never ever cheat so for u to say that just shows how ur mind set works...sumtimes people play a foul n dont realise it but to then accuse the ref ov cheating is poor form...ur behavior is a complete disgrace...ask chris who plays for UR TEAM if it woz a foul coz he n 6 others saw it...ur mugging urself by saying such things...i could never cheat ura rong un m8 butter wouldn't melt ...

My behaviour is a disgrace? Really What about yours? All laughing and shaking hands then posting on here that shows your behaviour is just as bad too...

I didn't put up an argument over that " so called " foul. Infact i just went and sat down...

I will deffo ask Chris the next time I see Chris. then I will apology...

Just do yourself a favour go back to kindergarten school to work on your english!
btw remember

Edited by Rambo on 29-02-2012 17:10
A King Disher
#16 Print Post
Posted on 29-02-2012 21:11
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First and foremost, prior to the start of this match Mick O'Donnell and myself were called into a meeting with our Lge Chairman and clearly adviced of the rules and regulations that will be adhered to at all times. We both agreed. One of the rules was that there will be 2 refs (1 from each team) in control at all times and no 1 refs dicision will be final but agreed upon between the 2 of them. It was Mick who wanted it this way and I agreed to it. If your Secretary failed to relay these rules and regs onto your team then that largely becomes a fault of his.
Tony, you were stood in the darkest corner of the room merrily chatting away with your team mates whilst this game was in progress. I was stood right in the line of fire and concentrating on reffing the game. How could you possibly have seen better than I ! I knew you were reffing along side me but did you know I was reffing along side you ! You didn't because you failed to discuss anything with me and took it upon yourself to call a foul. What you think you saw is just heresay. What I did see is Mark bump the table upon getting down to cue and the balls quiver.
This debate is needless has Mickey Samuels was awarded the 2 shots on your say so only and Mark Sat back down in his seat. End of story. Mark did come back to the table, reclaimed control and won that game. I think this is where your frustration falls in. You know full well that Mark cannot speak and is deaf which is more reason why you should have discussed the situation with me and allowed me time to relay it to him.
His actions upon victory were due to your misreffing against him.
As for everything else said here, I think the match was played in good spirit and sportsmanship. Even our Lge chairman said to me upon leaving that he believed the match was played in good spirit and that he wasn't really needed there.
We drew, we're even, where's the problem !
End of I would suggest and let's all move on and enjoy this wonderful game we all play.
Big Ben Ten
#17 Print Post
Posted on 01-03-2012 01:05
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Pond Qs 4-6 wizards
We got lucky with one black and unlucky with a few in offs so luck evened out overall.

Well played guys. Sorry the game couldn't put a smile on the old boys face....
#18 Print Post
Posted on 01-03-2012 01:20
Must Get Out More

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Just to clarify myself ,graham Thompson,Mev Ali,Chris knock 2guys who's team wer playing on middle table n ur player Chris all saw the foul shot or r we all cheats? If u thought it Woz not a foul shot then y let Micky av 2shots? I'm not saying Ramsey knew he ad fouled I'm just saying his behaviour Woz pretty poor afterwards..n now on web site accusing us ov cheating is yet again another poor showing from u guys...this from the guy who recently lost a vote 14 to 1 at a certain meeting clearly does not no right from wrong...butter wouldn't melt ...
#19 Print Post
Posted on 01-03-2012 01:46
Must Get Out More

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firstly im not going to get into a slagging match with the better halfs but would just like to point out a few things.
1, mark it was a foul mate,i was probibly the closest person to the table and def saw it and as tony has already said (chris) from your team saw it as well,sometimes players dont relise that they have fouled,thats why we have refs to make sure all is above board,i even called a foul on myself and i dont know what i did,i know it was a push shot i played which wasnt my intention,but did i hit cue ball twice,i honestly didnt know but as it was such a crap shot i called a foul and didnt get back to the table,thats pool.
2,i think the banter was ok apart from the kill him shout out which was after i had lost.that was out of order.
3,the score of 5 all was probibly a fair result as i dont think either team deserved to win.
4,good luck for the rest of the season.winkgrin
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Mr Cee
#20 Print Post
Posted on 01-03-2012 18:39
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Firstly as i am the 1 who made the kill him comment if it offended any of your team i apologise sorry it was not ment in a disrespectful manor we are all supposedly grown ups....! the bit i don't understand if you had said these things to our faces we would have explained there was no intent ment from this....! but instead mr jackson goes home and put on his cape and utility belt and turns into a KEYBOARD WARRIOR insults our team and we are ment to do what not say nothing cos if we was slagging off your team i am sure they would respond the same way we are only defending ourselves....!

Coach & Horses Div 4 knockout champions 2000 & whenever

does it matter

Edited by Mr Cee on 01-03-2012 20:25
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