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Division 2 Week 10
#21 Print Post
Posted on 28-01-2010 02:26
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longshanks wrote:
MD - that's not a foul break. Demand a rematch.

Claiming frames may be within the letter of the law, but it's not in the spirit of the game.

Technically it is not to the letter of the rules which say the balls must be exacly as shown in the picture - which shows reds up front...

Doesn't matter we won the game, I just felt like a ******* because I was reffing and I had racked them.

We don't use a stopwatch either, we had an away team bring their own a week or two ago!

None of us ever even hear 30 seconds, nevermind time foul, frankly I think it's a bit OTT for a friendly game of pool on a Tuesday.
#22 Print Post
Posted on 28-01-2010 04:53
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Must Get Out More

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I've heard from a qualified referee that it is not a foul.

Not that many teams in Div 1 use the stopwatch. The Imps did last night. I haven't seen a foul called yet and not sure I would if I was on clock duty.
#23 Print Post
Posted on 28-01-2010 06:35
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longshanks wrote:
I've heard from a qualified referee that it is not a foul.

I was in Yarmouth playing in the national amateurs a few years ago and accidently set the balls up the with yellows leading, the guy I was playing went to 3 seperate referees trying to get 2 visits, didnt happen
#24 Print Post
Posted on 28-01-2010 16:45
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It's not really in the spirit of the game to claim frames, I agree, and I have never been involved with a team that would do that, however, in defense of Blockapocket, where do you draw the line?

2 people arrive at 8:40, and the rest of the team at 9. . . When is it acceptable to claim a frame?

In fairness, all they had to do was make a phone call to explain they're running late, and nothing would of happened.

League starts at 8:15 . . . Even back in the day it was 8:30, so to turn up at 8:40 without even phoning, then I think they've every right to claim a frame if they feel they're having the urine extracted so to speak.

As for trying to claim a foul becasue the colours are reversed, there is NO place for that, and whoever does so needs putting in stocks on presentation night to be Custard Pied by everyone else. . . Bad Eggs.

Stopwatch is a matter of choice. We don't use it unless we feel someone is taking liberties, but 99% of players I've encountered in Div 1 don't do that.
No problems with anyone using a watch, Hotshots used one on tuesday. If anything, It gives a more professional feel to it, like you get at County or Interleague, which I enjoy, but I understand it's not for everyone, just my opinion.
#25 Print Post
Posted on 28-01-2010 17:14
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Spud wrote:
...whoever does so needs putting in stocks on presentation night ...

Best idea so far this year in my book! At least this way people would turn up even if they don't have a trophy to collect!
As happy as a single man living above a chip shop
#26 Print Post
Posted on 28-01-2010 17:23
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Re the set up of the balls - maybe that can be clarified at the half year meeting under AOB. I don't think it would need to be done as a motion as it's an interpretation of the rules.

A couple of years ago the Prop moved temporarily to some horrible venue where they had to use six yellows and a blue. Using this perverse logic presumably every break was a foul break because they weren't set up according to the diagram.
Edited by longshanks on 28-01-2010 19:07
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#27 Print Post
Posted on 28-01-2010 18:38
Getting The Hang Of It

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Bloody hell, I thought it was only the div 1 boys that were this anal
#28 Print Post
Posted on 28-01-2010 19:11
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Must Get Out More

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That's cobblers, there's more nit-picking on the rules in the lower divisions than in Division 1.
#29 Print Post
Posted on 28-01-2010 19:22
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There's certainly a lack of knowledge, or understanding of the rules. If people are struggling in the higher divisions, I can imagine it's a minefield in the lower ranks.
#30 Print Post
Posted on 28-01-2010 19:30
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longshanks wrote:
That's cobblers, there's more nit-picking on the rules in the lower divisions than in Division 1.

Agree 100%

And no, that's not a "We're better than you, so we know best" approach, it's a genuine observation of mine.

It would seem there is a lack of education of the rules, but I'm not sure why, as there are plenty of players in the lower leagues stretching all the way down to division 5, where players such as Charles Burrows (Current divisional front runner) is plying his trade, and has just qualified for Surrey (Congratulations by the way :-) Why hasn't this had it's own thread??)

So there are players all the way through our league that can be approached and asked for advice on anything ranging from what colour the top ball at break should be to full ball snookers etc. . .

People just need to ask, there will always be people willing to help.
#31 Print Post
Posted on 28-01-2010 20:26
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Martin Pantnoy has to show uniformity when excercising the right to claim frames, he is on the league committe and therefore could not be taken seriously when he refs semi & finales if he does not stick to the constitution that we all play to. I also agree with yourself qwerty, the guys do come along way, most of us only have to make the journey once a season, (unless singles or doubles takes you there), those guys have to do it 20 times a season in some cases!!

I really dont think we can judge Martin harshly, he does what he deems right for his team,...is there someone that would do less for their team?

butter wouldn't melt ...

P.S see you monday Martin, your reffing our knock-out cup plate game against the Warbank. LOL
#32 Print Post
Posted on 29-01-2010 00:18
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i have just seen this thread since my last post and i think
you have losted the plot.
The wizards called a time foul in the final frame because
when playing on the clock agreed by both team before the start of the match, a player didnt play his shot before 60 sec
after receivings the 30 sec call.
Emdee was not referring to us inrespect of the reds and yellows beening racked. some of you have named martin pantony for claiming the first frame. But he is not the sec for the Waddon wizards and didnt make that call, Yes we do play by the clock at the Waddon i was under the impession the league played world rules and that includes the clock.
#33 Print Post
Posted on 29-01-2010 01:28
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Blockapocket, if you haven't realised yet you are in a very small minority that want the clock on a Tuesday, together with playing to the letter of the law of World Rules. We have only come across a couple that use it, your team being one of them.

In fairness if you did not receive a call stating they would be that late then it is understandable why a frame was claimed, albeit I don't think our chief Mark Bannister would have but he has a more relaxed approach than your team.

Most teams in my very humble opinion want to enjoy their Tuesday nights, not worry about rules after a day at work, however teams that are more 'into' pool, with interleague and money tournaments, etc. will naturally want to use the full rules applied to the letter. Different agendas I believe.
#34 Print Post
Posted on 29-01-2010 02:27
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The 8.15 start time was to acommodate the ten frame format and the clock to speed up frame time
we all like our pool thats why we play, but no one wants to still be playing at midnight when we have work the next day
so should teams arrive when thay feel like it, and with no clock force the possibilty of a very late nite
#35 Print Post
Posted on 29-01-2010 02:43
Quite The Regular

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So why do almost all teams ignore this and play without it? Think about it. Even without the magical clock we have not had any issues with midnight finishes, nor do we anticipate any. We will not be using the clock unless there is a really good reason, e.g. opponents requesting it.
#36 Print Post
Posted on 29-01-2010 03:06
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we understand the concept teams have the choice and thats
fine, from our own team chats agreed to play with the clock
on match nite and if both teams agree on the nite the rules apply.
#37 Print Post
Posted on 29-01-2010 16:19
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Must Get Out More

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we will always agree to use the clock if the oppo want to, we dont mind at all. none of us take anywhere near 60 seconds so doesnt affect our game. the only thing is that we are so lazy and cant b arsed to do it. Pfft Clicking reset and start, its a knackering job.

i must say tho, tuesday night in the sh*thole playground that was the flying machine, we started against the C&H at 8:15 (who had to make the trip from lewisham to biggin hill, even further than rileys...), no stopwatch used, all 8 frames & secretary's game with food inbetween were finished by 9:20. even if the other 2 had been played, no later than 9:40.
#38 Print Post
Posted on 29-01-2010 18:50
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Blockapocket wrote:
Emdee was not referring to us inrespect of the reds and yellows beening racked.

This is very true.

I am sorry that I used that example, i was just pointing out that going to the letter of the law is not always completely fair. The team who called that against us knows who they are, I am not going to name and shame. Burt won the game anyway so up theirs.

In all honesty I can see why people claim frames, it's not completely unfair and it does not take much effort to make a phone call, but i imagine that even if a team makes the call and shows up at 9 there are still some teams out there who would claim.

I find it amusing how much animosity this claimed game has caused, it happens in the singles and doubles all the time but it's nice and refreshing to see that most people don't agree with it. I am not a fan myself, I'd rather win by beating someone, but each to their own, they are within their rights.
#39 Print Post
Posted on 02-02-2010 05:55
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We had a team threaten to claim a frame against us for being late once, arrived about 8.35 which was only 20 minutes late.

Mind you, we were the home team (true)
I would rather be playing golf
#40 Print Post
Posted on 04-02-2010 03:18
Getting The Hang Of It

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only 20 mins late mate u must of been on hoildaybiglaugh
back at the legion oh well cant wait 4 summer an golf againGrin
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