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CroydonPool.com - The CDPL Online Community :: Croydon & District Pool League :: Winter League
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Special K
#41 Print Post
Posted on 25-04-2014 01:28
Must Get Out More

Posts: 842
Joined: 20.10.10

I think it's silly to stand by the ruling in this 1 there's not Sole in this league who wud have any reason to object in the 6 need to be suspended to play pool for the summer it says in the ruling unless unsporting can't mark put it down to that? Not that anybody as been unsporting at all just think that cud be away around it surly we can turn a blind eye this once to that rule book! Mark does a brilliant job in our league and always plays to the rules his fair in every aspect but step forward this time mate n allow them boys to play for other teams if they wish to do so it won't affect the singles or doubles at all as they will just be under a different pub name!! And team ko who ever had the prop count your selfs lucky that u got a bye!! Knowing macca like I do I am genuinely gutted for him that his had to fold his team that his worked so hard to make them what they were! Am sure he will be back!! drunk

And loooooool knocky : )
Back to back singles winner, croydon's number 1, Farley open champ that's all butter wouldn't melt ...
#42 Print Post
Posted on 25-04-2014 02:21
Quite The Regular

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Joined: 09.10.07

The Prop withdrew their 'entry' to the summer league, and didn't withdraw after any fixtures were played, so it depends on how you want to interpret the term 'withdrawn team'. I thought the term 'withdrawn team' related to after matches had actually started in which the players had actually played.

I would point out as part of the registered Prop Winter Team that as long as everyone is fit and well we'd probably have a similar team to last year's winter team by start of next winter season.
#43 Print Post
Posted on 25-04-2014 14:45
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 06.10.07

Danny and Prof,

I appreciate your opinions and comments but nevertheless this League’s Committee does not have the right to override the rules (refer to a recent incident stated as under for further confirmation) if its clearly stated within the rules and the term “Withdrawn” is interpreted that when the fixtures lists, results cards and other info is circulated regarding the formation of a new season then that is the new season regardless whether any matches have been played.

Taken from Half Season General Meeting minutes of 7th February 2013
Issue in recent Farley Dukes v Pond Wheatsheaf match:
In this particular fixture, the Dukes only had 4 players, and a suggestion had been made to sign an extra player on the night. The player in question, Dave Truan, had previously played for the Eden Cues, but was not currently registered for any team. As the Dukes’ secretary, Mark Bannister, was not present, Steve Rowlerson of the Farley Loyalists had contacted the Secretary to seek permission. This was given, along with the advice to inform Pat Flynn of the Pond Wheatsheaf of the decision, with the proviso that the official paperwork be sent immediately afterwards. (This is a situation that has occurred in the past, and has enabled other teams to participate without the handicap of forfeiting frames.) Pat Flynn did not accept this decision, citing a breach of Rule 2 which states that 6 clear days must be allowed from registration to enable that player’s participation. He refused to allow Dave Truan to play and claimed the frames.

Statements were heard from Pat Flynn, Steve Rowlerson, and the League Secretary in a heated exchange, which went on to question whether the Executive Committee had the right to override the rules in their interpretation of the Rules as per item 5d of the League’s Constitution which the League Secretary defended his actions by quoting but nevertheless it was found that the committee did not have the right to do this but suggestions were made that the rule should have an appendix attached to cover this future eventuality and this to be submitted in the proper manner as set out for rule changes within the constitution.
#44 Print Post
Posted on 26-04-2014 18:23
Quite The Regular

Posts: 57
Joined: 09.10.07

The underlying problem across the whole league is that there aren't enough new players coming in. This results in all teams relying on a smaller pool of players to be 100% committed to whatever team they sign for.

For good reasons, not everyone can give a 100% commitment guaranteed across a season, so every side needs sufficient backup. That won't happen unless new players are encouraged into the league, and that's where the focus should really be. With the Croydon format, for a normal winter or summer season, then in my opinion, every team needs a squad of 8 players with at least 3 or 4 of those 100% committed to play every week. If a team has less than this at start of season, then they need to be looking for backup players, otherwise they will risk playing short.

Arguments about who plays for what team, and what division shouldn't really matter, and are quite petty really. Freedom to choose who you want to play for is healthy, but there needs to be loyalty for the season once signed, and an understanding on level of commitment expected.

To summarise, everyone involved with Croydon pool should be getting new players to join our league, and encouraging rookies to keep picking up the stick. Always admired Mr Bannister for his attitude, because he's always signed anyone that wanted to play for his team in spite their ability (looks like he's still letting in the rookies !)
Special K
#45 Print Post
Posted on 30-04-2014 22:14
Must Get Out More

Posts: 842
Joined: 20.10.10

Just going to add from Neil as he has been banned from the site for a unknown reason......

Due to the facts of Leon being suspended not being able to play pool we the legends are withdrawing from Croydon pool it's been good enjoyed my time in Croydon as the rest of my team but these rules are absurd also the fact that billy decided to leave at the last minute and play for the loyalists and we get told if we let billy go then we can have Leon bk.... It's all silly I think kids stuff as I Said we are withdrawing wanna wish every 1 the best for the summer and all the best for the future with your pool careers it's been so much fun especially the battles I've been apart of with the prop!! Some good memories over the years!!

The legends
Back to back singles winner, croydon's number 1, Farley open champ that's all butter wouldn't melt ...
I C Cool
#46 Print Post
Posted on 30-04-2014 22:39
Quite The Regular

Posts: 78
Joined: 05.10.07

Danny i'm not aware of any limitations placed upon the relaese of Leon apart from what the league constitution states but i am aware of Neils demands that unless the legends signed either Leon or A.N.OTHER that he would hold Billy's cards even though Billy has stated he wants to play for the loyalists!!
Neil also said that you were attempting to bring in a worthy player whose name eludes me right now.juggling
Edited by I C Cool on 30-04-2014 22:40
#47 Print Post
Posted on 01-05-2014 01:42
Must Get Out More

Posts: 578
Joined: 06.10.07

Danny, just for the record the Propeller's summer league players are not suspended they are just not eligible to play pool in the Croydon area during the summer. Now, if Tony Jackson upon his return from holiday does sort the team out and re-enters the Propeller before May 13th then those players will be eligible to play for the Propeller and if he decides to de-register any of them then they will be eligible to play for other teams. As far as Billy is concerned he is a registered player with the Legends and will remain so until Neil Hall decides otherwise and no deals have been done with the League involving Leon Pope. I have yet to hear from Neil Hall re the Legends withdrawing so I cannot take yout post as an official notice that you are. I trust this clears up your concerns before you move on and play your pool somewhere else and I wish you well with your endeavours.
Edited by Viper on 01-05-2014 01:46
#48 Print Post
Posted on 01-05-2014 05:28
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Getting The Hang Of It

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The league is sound, the rules are there in black and white. What's to debate when everyone has agreed to the rules in the first place.

"Can't we all just get along?????"
#49 Print Post
Posted on 01-05-2014 16:37
Must Get Out More

Posts: 888
Joined: 02.10.07

Wouldnt it be easier to just stay with the team you play for long term, or am I missing something?
Special K
#50 Print Post
Posted on 01-05-2014 20:23
Must Get Out More

Posts: 842
Joined: 20.10.10


No billy.... No Leon....

Leon suspended and billy being the lad he is wants to go else were that's not a dig bill just stating the obvious...

Leaves me Neil leach Steve k

X4 players yea lovely very enjoyable the silly rule that can't be broken has cost the league another team going...

And it is a defo now as Neil has phoned mark today and officially we are gone hope that clears it up for you and also I can't play for better halfs as rod not being able to play the big games is a massive disadvantage to the team I love them there where my heart lies but Tuesday just gone they only had 4 players again it's what stops the better halfs winning the league they have the players and ability in abundance but it's the same old story for my mate the long old suffering Birdy he tries everything and does everything but always struggles to get 5 if that aint hard enough for him well losing rod to the big games of the season is even harder its a liberty I think I may even get Steve b to join the new league I am going in that problem doesn't occur there...
Back to back singles winner, croydon's number 1, Farley open champ that's all butter wouldn't melt ...
#51 Print Post
Posted on 01-05-2014 20:50
Home From Home

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Joined: 08.10.07

Wouldn't the Better Halfs have had 7 players if you, Steve K & Andre Cox all still played for them Danny ?

It seems to me the rules are not the problem it's the players & the teams. Every season for the last 25 + years i have always played the full season for the team i have signed for, so have the huge majority of the players i have known over the years.

If teams get a squad together & then have some problem & pull out at the last minute or a player changes his mind before the season starts after having already signed for a team then thats their problem & doing, not the league or the rules fault.

99% of the playes in this league start the season knowing they are not going to win anything also. Maybe if you want to play in the strongest team, with the strongest players & add or delete players at will, whenever you feel the need to because of some in house squable or other reason then you are expecting too much. As shaggy said, whats wrong with picking a team long term & staying with them & building the team over more than one summer/winter season. Thats what the Eagles have been doing for years & it works for them. No one left or disbanded their team when Mark Miller, Eddie Taylor, Danny Evans, Kyle pickett, Hughie Telford & so on left, they just added another player & carried on, so that proves it can be done & done successfully.

None of this is the leagues fault, with the exception of 2 teams every other team seems to be dealing with it fine & has done for the past 30 + yerars.

The rules are bsically, find a minimum 5 players who want to play, sign them up & submit your form, & then play for that team for that season. Is it really that complicated !!!

PS. I picked you, Steve K & Andre purely because you are 3 players that as far as i am aware have turned up for your respective teams for more or less every game this season & therefore i would assume would have done the same for the Better halfs if you had still been there. Obviously you all have the right to move team for whatever reason, i am just making a point about players & teams chopping and changing causing problems & not the League or League rules causing the problems.
Edited by Brooker on 01-05-2014 21:20
I would rather be playing golf
#52 Print Post
Posted on 01-05-2014 21:03
Must Get Out More

Posts: 578
Joined: 06.10.07

I can confirm that Neil Hall has withdrawn the Legends from the summer league but like the propeller, they have until Tue 13th May to sort themselves out otherwise their current registered players will not be eligible to play for anyone else within the summer league and a revised 1st Division fixture list will be distributed.
#53 Print Post
Posted on 01-05-2014 21:26
Home From Home

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Joined: 08.10.07

One Player Short may now be withdrawing due to the fact we have signed 2 new players & can no longer fullfil our team name (Unless Clive Taylor signs back up).
I would rather be playing golf
#54 Print Post
Posted on 01-05-2014 22:08
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Must Get Out More

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Joined: 08.10.07

Well said young Chris. Spot on as usual. However on the other matter, there could be a problem if Clive Taylor were to re-join your team. Some of the words in the team name would need to be re-arranged.
#55 Print Post
Posted on 02-05-2014 01:34
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Must Get Out More

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Joined: 07.10.07

That Brooker bloke always comes on here and talks complete garbage ... 😁
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#56 Print Post
Posted on 02-05-2014 07:02
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Neil hall has not been banned

There appears to be an issue with his computer or phone which is preventing him logging in even after resetting his password
#57 Print Post
Posted on 04-05-2014 01:14
Home From Home

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Joined: 20.10.12

Hahahahahahahahahahaha Neil NEVER replies for days when the leg ends lose....£100 NEIL HALL PLEASE
Im croydons no 1....even when i lose i win-NEIL HALL
#58 Print Post
Posted on 09-05-2014 19:23
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 06.10.07

Just had a call from Tony Jackson and can advise that The Propeller will be rejoining the League with Graham Thompson being the acting secretary
#59 Print Post
Posted on 09-05-2014 19:58
Home From Home

Posts: 263
Joined: 20.10.12

That's good to hear.whos registered for the prop?
Im croydons no 1....even when i lose i win-NEIL HALL
#60 Print Post
Posted on 09-05-2014 20:14
Must Get Out More

Posts: 578
Joined: 06.10.07

Danny Kelliher
Neil Hall
Billy Barnet
Darren Leach
& others

Just a joke Terence ....... You will need to speak with Graham Thompson on that matter
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