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CroydonPool.com - The CDPL Online Community :: Croydon & District Pool League :: Winter League
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#1 Print Post
Posted on 12-02-2010 18:41
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Quite The Regular

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Any news from last night's AGM?
#2 Print Post
Posted on 12-02-2010 19:58
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heard there was a proposal going to vote about rileys(suzy qs) doing a sponsorship of the league in return for holding a majority of the ko singles matches there! not sure of the details so dont quote me as im sure others have a better knowledge of this!

we may need a bigger boat..!
#3 Print Post
Posted on 12-02-2010 22:47
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Must Get Out More

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The committee advised us that a suggestion had been received from a senior Rileys employee that all of the later matches(say from the 3rd round) in the singles and doubles competitions might be played in Rileys Purley Way. A sum of ?4,000 potential sponsorship had been mentioned. As the secretaries had no prior knowledge of this proposal,it was decided to have a postal vote in the near future following further discussion and consideration by the whole team .
#4 Print Post
Posted on 13-02-2010 02:11
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Oh and I understand Jacko wants to prevent people from entering the singles comps.
#5 Print Post
Posted on 13-02-2010 02:54
Quite The Regular

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Sass, that's not exactly a true reflection on the idea he is proposing; The idea he is putting forward as I understand it is that people entering the singles/doubles should have completed a minimum % of league/league cup games. This idea is aimed at preventing people joining a team purely for personal success and not bothering with league matches.

Apart from never having played with anyone like that so cannot say how any teams have players like that, the main flaw would be if people are simply not chosen to play for their team as differentiated from someone who doesn't turn up.
#6 Print Post
Posted on 13-02-2010 07:45
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The ladies singles has taken almost 5 years to get a halfway decent turnout. This rule would mean both the current Summer and Winter Ladies Champions would be unable to defend their titles. By my estimations the overall entry would fall by around 25%. Generally speaking it is harder for the ladies to get to play over 50% of their team games as they are not always selected to play. Women also tend to have family commitments which also impacts on the number of fixtures they can attend.

I've always been rather proud of the fact that this league has really got behind ladies pool and supported the addition of a ladies competition wholeheartedly. I am disappointed we are now looking to take a step backwards.

Sorry if I have misunderstood Jacko but he seemed pretty clear to me in our exchange of texts that this is what should happen.

#7 Print Post
Posted on 13-02-2010 18:47
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Must Get Out More

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The ladies singles could be exempted but I don't think the proposal will be carried anyway.
#8 Print Post
Posted on 13-02-2010 19:58
Quite The Regular

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Agreed longshanks, don't see it as feasible. If a team has someone like that then get rid of them! Recommend that person to the Pond, they need some trophy hunters.....Grin
#9 Print Post
Posted on 14-02-2010 01:14
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I'm sure common sense will prevail. Either that or I play for the Pond! winkgrin
#10 Print Post
Posted on 16-02-2010 20:33
Quite The Regular

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Another idea which Jacko is proposing is lengthening both league and singles matches; As I understand it Tony wishes to increase the league to 15 frames, and singles to start at best of 5 and upwards from there with the final as best of 11.

Personal view only - League - 15 would be too much for me. Could agree to 11 each week so there is a winner but no more. 8.15pm is hard enough for many to start at as is, and as a back door way of forcing the clock on all of us I'm afraid not for me - it is fine as is with the option to use it if teams wish to - and as we have only found one team to want the clock that seems clear enough. As was pointed out to me the best teams could fit in 15 with or without the clock, but do not see it being the same for the rest.

Singles - Someone was chatting to at the AGM was very against this, and was quite honest in saying that over best of 3 he had a chance against the top players, but over 5 or more would not.

As I see it round one has logistical issues, with some teams havng multiple players entering and possibly drawn at home. There is also an 'FA Cup' element to best of 3 which I would not like to be taken away - clearly the longer the match the more it would favour the top players like Jacko. However, just like a major pro tournament when you reach the later stages I would suggest people want longer matches (both player and spectator), having played several rounds it becomes very frustrating to go out to a best of 5 sprint. My humble suggestion is round 1 b/o 3, round 2 - last 16 b/o 5, quarters b/o 7, semis b/o 9, final b/o 11.

Anyone any thoughts?

#11 Print Post
Posted on 16-02-2010 20:56
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We use the clock for our home matches but, contrary to popular belief, it doesn't mean every frame is over in a few minutes. If a frame gets all tactical with both players unable to go for the safe finish, frames can still drag out. More often than not, it's the number of shots taken in a frame that makes it last longer, not the time taken actually taking the shots.

And before anyone asks, yes, we've had numerous time fouls called on ourselves as well as opponents.

As for 15 frames in a night, with an 8.15 start (which NEVER starts on time) I can't see matches being finished in time. Some matches always take ages. Tonight, for example, we're playing Waddon Wizards, so I'm not expecting an early night. Nothing against the Wizards, we always have very enjoyable battles with them, but they are always marathons.
the flash
#12 Print Post
Posted on 17-02-2010 00:36
Quite The Regular

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It has always amazed me that Croydon could never have 15 games, I played in a couple of other leagues and they have 15 games, thats with the old rules and the standard in one of those leagues was around the same standard as div 5 here.

It would also be interesting to see how long players take on each shot in these long tatical matches that are being played in the lower divisions. I think the games that seem to go on and on, are the games where players don't untilise the rules as they could to win a game, at the moment they play negative shots, because they don't know what to do(even though they think and say they do) and end up just moving balls up and down the table.

The singles league play 12 games a night and nearly all are finished before 11pm (some matches take 30 mins) and interleague play 27 in a night and dont usually finish late.
because i can
#13 Print Post
Posted on 17-02-2010 20:48
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I think we could do 2 sets of 7 so we bring back the old 7 man teams (which probably most of us still have)
I like the even number of frames as you have win by 2 frames so less likely to get a lucky win

as for the singles I won't touch it with best of 3's and won't with 5 either. 7 and you've got a good match!

I'd like the 1st division to be seeded so they come in in a later stage when the matches are longer

either keep it as a sprint (and I'll stay indoors) or make it a proper distance event with the final on presentation night
don't mix and match it

in reality with the sprint as it is there's 15/16 players or so who can win it
best of 7/9 frames and there's only 8-10
best of 11/13 frames and theres 5 or 6
best of 17/19 and there's only 3 in my opinion
so i can't see all the lower divisions vote for a bigger distance and spoiling their chances of some glory!
Edited by andye on 17-02-2010 21:00
#14 Print Post
Posted on 18-02-2010 04:08
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I don't think 15 frames in an evening is regularly achievable by the teams outside of division one. I'm usually one who feels that the same rules should apply to everyone but perhaps there is some merit in trialling 15 frames in the Summer for the first division only? At least that would give some idea of whether it is feasible.

I do have my doubts though as last night we were starting frame 7 at just after 10.30. We wouldn't have been half way through a 15 frame match! Shock
#15 Print Post
Posted on 18-02-2010 04:47
Quite The Regular

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There's only one way to find out, I think we should do what was done for the 60 second rule and trial it out in the summer, even if it is only in the first and second decision?
#16 Print Post
Posted on 18-02-2010 16:27
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the summer league is a definate place to try these things out!
quite simply if your not on frame 8 by 9.30 then the clock needs to come out!
A King Disher
#17 Print Post
Posted on 18-02-2010 19:45
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I am certainly one in favour of experimenting with new ideas and seeing how they pan out.
I think the Summer league would be a good starting point when the evenings are long and warm and people in general are at their happiest.
Also I think it would be great for the pubs and clubs ect who sponsor their teams from a revenue point of view. Afterall, this is why they sponsore us.
I'm not sure how it will work with the sponsors who have a bang on kick out time. I know for sure that The Hurricane Rooms would definately welcome this idea. It was suggested that an earlier start time be imposed but I think this may be impossible. At best I would think an 8 oclock start may be just possible.
To try this new idea out in a winter League when nights are dark and cold could have a reverse effect. We may see team mates leaving before the match is complete and thus leaving us short for the final set of the match and giving games away. What was the point in the first instance we may ask ourselves.
For those who were at last weeks AGM will recall that Mr. Jacko tried to have this voted upon along with his new idea for the singles and doubles.
Due to these proposals not being received in time (For whatever reason) by the League Comittee for last weeks AGM, Mr. Halsey rejected the ideas and suggested that they would be included in the next AGM's agenda and voted upon then. Lets hope we have a big turnout at that one.
I mention this because the Summer League is a good starting point but at best I don't think that if voted in that we will see it implemented untill summer 2011. That's almost 18 months away so we may well see it being trialed for the next winter League.
I'm not sure how this will go down with team mates.
#18 Print Post
Posted on 19-02-2010 00:29
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well as for the league changing to 3 x 5 i must admit i personally am not really in favour of it even tho there are some valid points to be heard! just makes the night to long and as it is with away games most of us wouldnt get home until past 11 so another 5 would make it more like midnight so no thx!

do agree with maybe lengthening the singles and doubles but only maybe from the 3rd round as i think it would take out the suprise factor of a shock if implemented earlier!


we may need a bigger boat..!
#19 Print Post
Posted on 20-02-2010 19:46
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we should log current finish times on here and it'll give us a rough guide to the average frame time!
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