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winter doubles
#1 Print Post
Posted on 15-10-2013 06:45
Must Get Out More

Posts: 590
Joined: 07.03.11

Jacko n german 1v2 sean n metin.....on reflection I would like to apologise for not calling a foul on myself in the deciding frame as jacked my cue up did not double hit but the white took a slight forward movement instead ov stopping dead...metin ask if I was happy with that n I said yea,I spoke to every1 there who ad not thought it was a foul especially as a push shot cannot b called unless seen...not a fan ov this grey area in the rules especially as im the first to call a foul on myself or team mates...I was not happy with this n in hindsight wish id called a foul upon myself as simple physics dictates it must ov been a foul even tho u cant call it 1 the honourable thing to do is wen in doubt bit the bullet n call it on urself just to b safe...metin banged on a bit ina unsporting manner whilst we wer at the table which even tho not acceptable I can totally understand why he may ov felt ard done by n why he reacted in such a manner...we all make mistakes at times but we live n learn...wel done to the victors even if they got totally outplayed karma won the day n all is good...butter wouldn't melt ...
#2 Print Post
Posted on 15-10-2013 07:22
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I don't plan to go back and forth or start an argument, it's done and dusted but as you have given your turn of events I shall give mine.
To turn up for our match at 8 and not get on til after 9 was painful enough being that there are 12 English pool tables in the house but as it's your choice we cannot have any issues with that.
As for being outplayed I find that highly amusing , more like overplayed because u took 5 mins on almost every shot , it' was zzzzzzzzzzz to watch and be involved in! a best of 3 match should in no world last an hour and a half.
As to the incident in question I was looking directly at the ball as I could see how difficult it would be for u to get your cue out of the way in time.
Your plan was to jack the cue up and pot the red whilst screwing the white back which u achieved unfortunately for u u failed to move the tip in time and white rolled forward clear as day!
Kelly, Eddie and myself saw it hence why I called ( even if u don't believe me Kelly and Eddie r the most honest guys in the league). The rule about not seeing it is when u are close to the ball and u play the shot in 1 motion which stops u from calling as it's too fast to see. The white moved back then forward - do u have a magic wand of a cue to make the white do that? and deep down I think u know u fouled.
The fact that we were still talking about it for graham to just play his shot while we were still discussing the foul was terrible show of sportsmanship hence why I was so angry. Graham didn't seem to be too bothered about us speaking when he played that shot!
Either way we got the win we deserved and as u say justice was done !

Special K
#3 Print Post
Posted on 15-10-2013 14:08
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 20.10.10

New there Wud be dramas last night Metin n jacko not the best of friends.....think u 2 need a game after ours met!
Back to back singles winner, croydon's number 1, Farley open champ that's all butter wouldn't melt ...
#4 Print Post
Posted on 15-10-2013 16:57
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One & a half hours !!!!!!!!

Mind you, that Kelly is a slow player rolling eyes
I would rather be playing golf
#5 Print Post
Posted on 15-10-2013 18:35
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 07.03.11

Yea n the 1st game took 5 10mins for us to win n then they started covering pockets n it dragged....2nd game we wer fckd we turned it all around ad the game won n german pots the white in the centre ad no reason to go anywhere near the centre then in the last I swerved n potted a ball 3 4inches away from its pocket n the white followed it in...cant beat luck m8
#6 Print Post
Posted on 15-10-2013 19:50
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The 1st game took longer than u remember, 1 of your shots took 5-10 mins!
We were in all sorts of trouble due to us not potting off the break.
2nd frame we were in control and we had the game won once we got 2 shots but made a silly mistake. Didn't matter as we were still in the game as it proved. The German couldn't keep getting away with slapping the balls all over the place and expect it to come out plum ever time !
Your last swerve shot even if the white stayed up left u no shot so unlucky yes to pot the white but the black was going no where so a bit of a nothing shot imo, if u were potting that I think u needed to hit it with pace.
Still stand by the most painful match I have ever been involved in, they brought out a 60 second shot rule for reasons like last night, u and the German deliberating for 5 mins every time was just crazy, imagine if they didn't change the rule on talking between shots, we'd still be playing now!

#7 Print Post
Posted on 15-10-2013 21:56
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 07.03.11

Trust me m8 I cant stand doubles n yes I would dearly luv the 60second rule to b inforced in all matches as I no my next shot as soon as the white as stopped...wel done anyway ,u did wel to win...
#8 Print Post
Posted on 15-10-2013 23:26
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A hour and a half is nearly as long as it takes me to de-code one of Jacko's posts
I would rather be playing golf
#9 Print Post
Posted on 16-10-2013 04:42
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 07.03.11

Av ad people talking to me about last nite...just to clarify I did not believe I fouled at the time n did check to make sure,also apparently if u jack ur cue up 45 degrees its not a foul....I dont no the rules iv just put a post trying to b a gentleman about it n not wishing to av done anything wrong....seems like I played a legal shot n ad no need to make post...brings metins behaviour into question yet again tho churping away whilst his opponents r trying to play but like I said originally I can understand y he may ov especially if he woz confused aswel butter wouldn't melt ...
Special K
#10 Print Post
Posted on 16-10-2013 04:48
Must Get Out More

Posts: 842
Joined: 20.10.10

Play him tony I think u cud beat him mate......or maybe me n u v met n Sean what so u say mr j?
Back to back singles winner, croydon's number 1, Farley open champ that's all butter wouldn't melt ...
#11 Print Post
Posted on 16-10-2013 05:49
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Lol at Keliher!
Wasn't too long ago u were slagging Jacko off and now you wana be doubles buddies.. Lol
Jacko is a great player and it would be a great match but right now all I want is for u to get your arse in gear and set up a date for our match and stop this yap about doubles !
As for your comment Jacko I have spoken with certain people about your blatant foul , people who u said didn't see it and they have confirmed to me it was a foul in their eyes also . I don't need to worry as I know u know u fouled as every player knows they double hit a ball it's just that certain players own up to it and some don't!
Stop going on , u lost , justice was done!
Dk - I'm waiting !
Ps as for jacking cue up 45 degrees- no it isn't a foul if u play a shot and don't double hit it...... But u did clear as day! All well and good saying your a gentleman yet u have negated that by coming back on here and opening it all up again.
Edited by Metin250 on 16-10-2013 05:54
#12 Print Post
Posted on 16-10-2013 06:21
Must Get Out More

Posts: 590
Joined: 07.03.11

C u u little fckin mug I did not double hit the ball so sht the fck up...u ever accuse me ov cheating again prck me n u wil fckin av it...tser iv tried to b gracious but 1 thing I did not do woz double hit u retarded foul
#13 Print Post
Posted on 16-10-2013 06:47
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U sit there questioning my behaviour and tarnishing me !
This conversation was finished until u came back on here slagging me off again and now u have moved in threats! Amazing
#14 Print Post
Posted on 16-10-2013 06:59
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 07.03.11

I posted originally cuz I thought maybe I ad fouled by playing an illegal push shot n that dont sit right with me but apparently I did not...every1 as said to me y did I post that wen I ad not fouled but I woz trying to b a gent n did not realise it woz not necessary as I ad not fouled...my bad...but dont cum on here lying saying I ad played a double hit wen I didnt coz I would ov called that coz I would never ever cheat...u insult me n expect me not to get pisd off...u need to b quiet whilst ur not on the table its barracking. ..learn sum manners
#15 Print Post
Posted on 16-10-2013 07:11
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i was still talking to u about the incident and for graham to play his shot when nothing was settled was hugely disrespectful and was obviously going to start arguments and upset myself and kelly.
Game was tarnished imo no matter who won!
Im bored of this argument now, its not going to change what happened.
I havent much interest in doubles anyway , its not on my list of things i look forward to playing!

#16 Print Post
Posted on 16-10-2013 07:28
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 07.03.11

Yep doubles sucks....on the result sheet u won n thats that...deserved? Woz quiet amusing watching the gr8 disher covering pockets tho,slowing the game down...I just wanted to get on with it but after the 1st frame it woz like ur arse ad gone n u didnt av the bottle to take out a dish...n yet u try n deflect the match lenth on2 us wen u failed to attack. ..strange that...anyway enuf ...its done
#17 Print Post
Posted on 16-10-2013 12:49
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Im not suicidal, if i see that we have 3 balls covered inc the blk im not gonna go potting mad just coz u think i try and dish all the time especially at a best of 3 and it proved the correct choice as we won!
I dont mind a tactical game but i do draw the line at a team who take 5 mins on every single shot - was like a national convention everytime u could talk with graham ( even when u could nt speak graham takes an eternity)
At least me and kelly play our shots within a 30 sec time limit!
It dont matter now, games done , cheers for game.

#18 Print Post
Posted on 18-10-2013 06:19
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#19 Print Post
Posted on 19-10-2013 03:00
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Rambo its boring mate...is that ur cue lol...this is all getting a bit boring.and I thought I was an aggressive person haha...and yh this money match is dragging out.what happened to people calling or texting for a money match hey???good luck to both if this game ever happens..
Im croydons no 1....even when i lose i win-NEIL HALL
#20 Print Post
Posted on 19-10-2013 23:06
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 07.03.11

German is at a tournament n a senior ref as confirmed that as we originally thought my shot woz not a foul....let me bang that angel bak up here butter wouldn't melt ... butter wouldn't melt ... butter wouldn't melt ...
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