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CroydonPool.com - The CDPL Online Community :: Croydon & District Pool League :: Winter League
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Winter 2013/14 Presentation Night - Tonight!
#1 Print Post
Posted on 26-07-2014 20:11
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Tonight is Presentation Night for Winter 2013/14

South Croydon Conservative Club
60 Selsdon Road
South Croydon

Tonight, 8pm onwards.
#2 Print Post
Posted on 27-07-2014 05:09
Must Get Out More

Posts: 590
Joined: 07.03.11

Well our league as been dwindling away in recent years what with all the pubs closing but tonight was shocking and so so sad...I felt like I had turned up to early and the place would fill up as the night went on but sadly no, there was hardly anyone there...I remember the good old days and what a blinding night out it used to be and it's very painful to see it now...think every team needs to step up, turn up and save our league, I know times have changed and our numbers have plummeted but if we all made an effort to encourage everyone then it could be the buzz it once was...let's hope yea..butter wouldn't melt ...
Edited by jacko on 27-07-2014 05:12
#3 Print Post
Posted on 27-07-2014 05:14
Must Get Out More

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P.s. why does nobody post results anymore? its like nobody cares...
#4 Print Post
Posted on 27-07-2014 06:48
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Must Get Out More

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I want to apologise on behalf of the Cuemasters for failing to attend. This was due to unforeseen circumstances and I had expected at least some of us to be there.
#5 Print Post
Posted on 27-07-2014 08:14
Quite The Regular

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Joined: 09.10.07

I actually stayed the whole night, and it was blinding...... I now really understand why Andy Shaw is nicknamed 'Frankie' !!

People really don't know what they are missing ? Smile

Fairly shocking that 2 teams were unable to send at least one rep !!!

Anyone that has a trophy to collect should make the effort to pick it up or send representation to pick it up in my opinion. Why are you bothering otherwise ?
Special K
#6 Print Post
Posted on 27-07-2014 22:52
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 20.10.10

See u all moaned about Neil etc and infact me..... At least we kept the site interesting and was fun to long into now it's in a coma so so boring I haven't logged on in ages n looking at stuff I have missed nothing.... Croydon is a good league but the silly rules is what keep people away shoot me down in flames if u all must be it's gone to pot guys sorry.

Maybe 1 day it will sparkle again but what with teams pulling out and fees are quiet high pubs and clubs simply don't wanna pay it something's gotta change to make this league come bk to life...... Maybe make it a money league just a idea.... Heard 3k was spent on trophies split that between the 3 divisions that's decent prize money maybe mite make more join.

I won the singles plate n actually forgot lol only got reminded the other day n asked mr Hersey to collect cheers john
Back to back singles winner, croydon's number 1, Farley open champ that's all butter wouldn't melt ...
#7 Print Post
Posted on 28-07-2014 14:25
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Special K wrote:
Croydon is a good league but the silly rules is what keep people away

World Rules are silly? Right. That's why they're played at the highest level of the sport we play.

That's like playing Sunday league football but saying the rules are silly, so let's play or own rules where offside doesn't count and handballs are allowed.

As for making the site interesting, Danny, I seem to recall it was incessant money match challenges and bragging about how well the Legends were doing. Once they stopped winning and nobody rose to your money challenges, I guess you lost interest anyway.

No doubt, now I've said that, you'll challenge me to a money match again. Before you ask, no, I'm not remotely interested.
Edited by Fat-Dart on 28-07-2014 14:26
#8 Print Post
Posted on 28-07-2014 14:49
Getting The Hang Of It

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I think the rules Danny refers to are more about the banning of players when teams drop out and not the playing rules, although I could be wrong.
Special K
#9 Print Post
Posted on 28-07-2014 18:35
Must Get Out More

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At least you got a brain Steve!!! Always the choppers who get it remotely wrong!!! trophythree
Back to back singles winner, croydon's number 1, Farley open champ that's all butter wouldn't melt ...
#10 Print Post
Posted on 28-07-2014 18:36
Must Get Out More

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Reigatesfinest wrote:
I think the rules Danny refers to are more about the banning of players when teams drop out and not the playing rules, although I could be wrong.

I tend to agree with your comment Steve but nevertheless regardless of what Playing Procedures that Danny has problems with these are democratically voted in by the membership after they have been proposed and perused by the membership before any vote takes place. Its rich that he mentions current fees which have been capped for the last 4 years and in fact they have been reduced by the rebate and reductions in place but I don't expect Danny to be up to date on these matters as his last team have had a knack of getting venues to pay their fees and then jumping ship to another venue during a season and then getting that same venue to pay their fees for a season they pulled out from before it started leaving both venues out of pocket. Bottom line, this league is run by the chaps for the chaps and no one individual or individuals dictate league policy or procedure ...... Those individuals ensure that League policies are adhered to and its freedom of choice whether anyone wishes to play within the League under its present set up.
Special K
#11 Print Post
Posted on 28-07-2014 18:47
Must Get Out More

Posts: 842
Joined: 20.10.10

Mark u make a valid point as for the venues that's not down to me I was commited to the legends and stayed with them......... You tho must admit it's dying a painful death I play in x2 other leagues where the fees are more than half of what croydon charges and the trophies are sum what better was just trying to put my opinion across that this league cud be made better with the idea I had mate! The job you have done is 2nd to none and I salute u mark your a fair bloke and stick to your rules although they are sum what silly sum of them jacko posted and his rite in what he says I luv croydon but it's to stuck in it's old ways....... There has to be changes down to you....
Back to back singles winner, croydon's number 1, Farley open champ that's all butter wouldn't melt ...
#12 Print Post
Posted on 28-07-2014 18:53
Must Get Out More

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Joined: 06.10.07

Danny, I totally respect your right of opinion and your right of reply to my post but I have to say that its not down to me for changes but for the membership. As far as making the Croydon League a money league then that will be the day that I call it a day. There are plenty of money comps floating around for those that wish to participate but its my job to promote Pool at a grass root level and a grass root level is what I do.
Special K
#13 Print Post
Posted on 28-07-2014 18:58
Must Get Out More

Posts: 842
Joined: 20.10.10

No worries mark I understand mate maybe 1 day I be bk not that your bothered about me playing in croydon again ha ha
Back to back singles winner, croydon's number 1, Farley open champ that's all butter wouldn't melt ...
#14 Print Post
Posted on 28-07-2014 19:12
Must Get Out More

Posts: 578
Joined: 06.10.07

Special K wrote:
No worries mark I understand mate maybe 1 day I be bk not that your bothered about me playing in croydon again ha ha
I don't have a problem with you playing in Croydon mate as you are a quality player and a character to go with it but as I said earlier it is freedom of choice where individuals want to play. However, you have given me an idea where a money league could run side by side within a grass root set up. You could offer all teams the choice of putting a seperate amount into a seperate pool and for those that have opted into this option (in all divisions) can play for the full amount of this pool within the League programme. Just a thought and nothing more than that at this moment.
Special K
#15 Print Post
Posted on 28-07-2014 20:17
Must Get Out More

Posts: 842
Joined: 20.10.10

That sounds like a brilliant idea mark that is certainly a way forward I think!! Be great for others to voice there opinion aswel see makes me wanna come bk to croydon already super mark H trophyone
Back to back singles winner, croydon's number 1, Farley open champ that's all butter wouldn't melt ...
#16 Print Post
Posted on 28-07-2014 20:20
Must Get Out More

Posts: 578
Joined: 06.10.07

Yes it would be a good idea for feedback but I feel that this being on this thread it maybe overlooked so I'll create a new thread and see where the land lies
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