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name and shame
#1 Print Post
Posted on 25-08-2009 02:45
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Must Get Out More

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Joined: 02.12.07

i want to bring this to peoples attention....
am currantly sec to the untouchables this season and tried to re-arrange a singles match between 1 of my players jan who has rod altes in the singles tonight..... BAD SPORTMANSHIP plays its part in this match .... 1 nil up ROD .... i will explain my player has just got over or shall i say getting over cancer he had an appointment at the hospital this morning were he had kemo.... plus a bone marrow test which am sure u can see is horrible in the contents ... i will get to the point i tried 2 re-arrange this game and got a text last nite via his sec miss clarke saying rod would not re-arrange this game as he plays pool 4 times a week so jan has no choice but 2 turn up in pain and play this ..... WANT A FCUKING LIBBERTY..... so ggod luck mate i hope u beat him cos as far as i can see there is only 1 WINNER thats you 4 sportmanship 4 going to this match.....
am not sticking my acheivements down the list is too long lmao surrender
#2 Print Post
Posted on 25-08-2009 08:19
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Quite The Regular

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When jan asked me if i thought Rod would re-arrange i honestly thought he would.
In the short time i've known rod he comes across as a decent bloke, But this really is unforgivable.
I understand a player not to re-arrange a game because he plays 4 times a week but why not offer to play it at the end of the night on a tuesday...?...Or at the end of one of the other nights you play ?? Extra 15-20 mins isnt going to kill you is it ??
Really disappointing.
And as Dotcom said... Bad Sportsmanship indeed.
Edited by sly294 on 25-08-2009 08:22
If Carlsberg made pool players they would play like me.

Before Snickers I'm outta here
After Snickers boxer
#3 Print Post
Posted on 28-08-2009 02:57
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I was there on Monday and Rod seemed genuinely concerned when Jan explained the problem and immediately offered to postpone. Jan took the view that since he had already made the journey they might as well get on with it.

I'm inclined to believe that Rod didn't now and that there had been a communication breakdown somewhere along the line.
#4 Print Post
Posted on 28-08-2009 23:34
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rods a top fella win or lose so personally i think its a bit shallow to do some kind of character assasination on a website without knowing the full on facts!

we may need a bigger boat..!
#5 Print Post
Posted on 29-08-2009 04:47
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Must Get Out More

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big fish .... oops shark i agree rod aint a bad bloke, but when u try 4 a week to re-arrange a game, explain all the details to there sec and get a text at 9.40 sunday saying its rod from keelys phone and still explaining... well somewere there was a ******* up and maybe it wasnt rod .... but i take my hat off to jan for turning upapplause
Edited by Whatapisstake on 29-08-2009 04:51
am not sticking my acheivements down the list is too long lmao surrender
#6 Print Post
Posted on 29-08-2009 18:09
Getting The Hang Of It

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I told Rod the situation the next time I saw him after speaking to Andy.
The game wanted to be arranged for the following Monday.
Rod was due to play his champ of champ qualifier the following Monday, so said he couldn?t make it.
Did not see rod again till the Sunday, day before game was supposed to be played, where he then text Andy telling him he could not rearrange it.
It was only then that the suggestion of another day (other than the following Monday) was made.
As this suggestion was quite late in the day rod said no to rearrange it.
Rod was aware of the situation partially but I don?t think he realised to full severity of the situation.
I personally would have rearranged the game but I cannot make my players do anything they do not wish to do.
On Sunday night after rod had said no, Andy then persisted the leave ME voicemails with him swearing down the phone which left little room for any negotiation.
Any how when Rod did see Jan on the Monday, I think it was then he realised the severity of the situation and immediately offered to postpone.
So Andy please stop trying to 'name and shame' people, when for a start the situation was out of MY control, and secondly its hard to appreciate the severity or sincerity of a situation when you have some unarticulated loud mouth shouting the odds down your phone about what '*******ing liberty' it all is.
#7 Print Post
Posted on 29-08-2009 18:22
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Must Get Out More

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u no what a far as am concerned its done and dusted.... jan spoke to me after i put this post... i was pissed of at the time to try and arrange a game 4 near to a week and keely i did explain what jan was going 4 ..... yes i was slighty out of order for leaving a voicemail to that affect 4 that am sorry.... but 2 say the game could have been arranged any other time dont matter best player won good luck in the next round rod...
am not sticking my acheivements down the list is too long lmao surrender
#8 Print Post
Posted on 30-08-2009 06:06
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Must Get Out More

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And ''interested readers'', the moral of this thread will be.......

Take caution when you elect a woman as your team secretary or take even greater caution when you hand the thankless task of team secretary to a male whom suffers from a severe case of life skill disfunctionality.
Edited by ThePower on 30-08-2009 06:18
#9 Print Post
Posted on 31-08-2009 15:21
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My God dotcom you go from bad to worse. As it seems (to most of us obviously) you did not have your facts straight before posting on here. Rods name has been brought in to question for no reason and I a not 100% sure Jan would have liked to have her details sprawled across this site for all and sundry to read. There was no need for this thread but then there is no need for most of the stuff you post on here so we should not be surprised.

The only person yet again to come out of this badly is yourself....unreal. I hope you re-read your initial post and hang your head in shame cos whatever excuse you give it is not valid after you read the subsequent posts.

#10 Print Post
Posted on 31-08-2009 17:37
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Must Get Out More

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O LOOK PINKY AND PERKY again.... by the way berty get your facts right jan is a bloke ... and i put this thread up cos keely see`s rod at least tues,wed,thursday, how she said she didnt no or never had chance to see rod or ring him what a JOKE like i said sportmanship 2 jan for making this match after what he had to have done .....
am not sticking my acheivements down the list is too long lmao surrender
#11 Print Post
Posted on 31-08-2009 20:22
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Apologies to Jan although I am sure he will forgive me owing to the fact I have never met him and no harm was intended.

Dotcom your arguments still don't ring true to me. It seems from your most recent post that your gripe is with the secretary Keely for not passing on messages etc which is fair enough if that was the case.

What is not fair to do is to include some long drawn out argument about your player suffering or recovering from cancer. Even if it was the case the Rod was not keen to re-arrange the match (as is his right if he is busy) before he knew about the players condition your association of the two subjects was massively ill judged. To the casual reader it basically suggested that Rod was not willing to re-arrange even though your player was suffering badly from cancer.

It then comes out in the wash that Rod did not have the full picture and then was happy to do the needfull.

You now seem to be implying that the problem was in passing on messages when in your first post it seems pretty clear you are bitter with Rod personally.

"so ggod luck mate i hope u beat him cos as far as i can see there is only 1 WINNER thats you 4 sportmanship 4 going to this match..... " Not to mention the title of the thread "Name and Shame" and the fact you clearly talk of Rod being at fault.

You are now trying to distance yourself from the comments you made about cancer which may I say was totally out of order when the reality is it is too late.

Why in gods name did you bring someone elses illness in to this argument when it seems to be a standard gripe against re-arranging fixtures.

Put it this way had that had been the sum total of this thread I would have paid it the attention it deserved....none.

As it i I was disgusted at your post so decided to comment on it.

Yours truly Perky.
Edited by berty on 31-08-2009 20:29
#12 Print Post
Posted on 01-09-2009 03:51
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I nearly commented on this before but decided against it, at the time.

Berty, once again, you've hit the nail on the head. Good point; well made.

dotcom, as usual, you're an embarrassment to yourself. Do yourself a favour; turn your computer off and leave it that way, you clearly can't be trusted.
#13 Print Post
Posted on 01-09-2009 18:00
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Must Get Out More

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Dotcom - your naming and shaming seems to have spectacularly backfired and ended up 'enhancing' your own reputation. And an apology to Rod wouldn't go amiss.
#14 Print Post
Posted on 01-09-2009 18:46
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Quite The Regular

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Horseradish wrote:
I was there on Monday and Rod seemed genuinely concerned when Jan explained the problem and immediately offered to postpone. Jan took the view that since he had already made the journey they might as well get on with it.

I'm inclined to believe that Rod didn't now and that there had been a communication breakdown somewhere along the line.

I understand Andrew's frustration and even feel some sympathy for him. Its a classic case of a reputation biting you on the ass. I'm sure he made the situation as clear as he could, and gave plenty of notice. The sad fact is they didn't believe him! Question is, who's fault is that?
#15 Print Post
Posted on 01-09-2009 18:59
Home From Home

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I take your point Francoise and I know there is probably some stuff I am missing out on but baring proof that Rod had refused to re-arrange with the knowlede about the guys illness this was bang out of order to assosciate the two subjects.

I would suggest and Apology to Rod probably in person as he does not use this site (another reason why this episdode is out of order) will suffice.

I think if anyone would have made this post they would have been cut down but in this case I agree the reputation of the man has not helped his cause.

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