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KO Cup Final
#1 Print Post
Posted on 01-02-2011 07:19
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Must Get Out More

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Joined: 07.10.07

Cuemasters 7-5 Eagles

At long last we've won one of the three biggest trophies in the League.
To be honest it wasn't a great game but there were a lot of tense frames. We were 4-1 down at the break and looked dead and buried but somehow we ran off the next four, only for the Eagles to send it to the deciding best of 3. Gary Martyn and Mark Eldridge brought home the bacon although both games were nip and tuck.
#2 Print Post
Posted on 01-02-2011 16:43
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Home From Home

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Congrats Longshanks & the Cuemasters,

Like you said, not a great game. Mistakes being made all over the place by both sides, not helped by a terrible table imo. I've seen more life in a smoked kipper. . . Cushions were dead, especially the top rail which resounded with a massive dull thud with every bounce. The pace of the table was s l o o o w . . . So many shots underhit, and then in peoples attempts to compensate, overhit.
To see two fine potting teams having a shootout of who could make less mistakes was a massive anti climax for me.
It's no coincidence, as 8 or 9 usually clinical players don't start chopping all on the same night.
It also didn't help that it was three degrees in the playing arena, and I don;t mean the singers.
I thought poor old Metin was gonna need medical attention for hypothermia.

The result is a fair one though. The 4-1 half way score was flattering to say the least, it could quite easily have been reversed.
Instead of taking our gift lead and building, we looked the gift horse in the mouth and produced a very lack lustre display in the next 4, letting all the momentum swing the other way.

Gary Martyn played exceptionally well, especially his finish in the first frame. Mark Eldridge also stepped up, with only a horrible in off in his first blighting his record. I'm sure he won't mind though.

From a neutral point of view, lovely to see the Cuemasters getting silverware. Always been a fan myself.
From an Eagles point of view, gutted. . .

Congrats again, regardless of the table, the best team won, so had no bearing on the result, just feel shortchanged of what should have been a great match.

#3 Print Post
Posted on 01-02-2011 17:23
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"I thought poor old Metin was gonna need medical attention for hypothermia. "
I have actually called in sick coz iv now caught the flu!!!
I cannot believe that a final can be played on such a shocking table!
They could have ran an iron or something over it !!
Not 1 break dish in 12 frames from that many quality players says everything.
Well done Cuemasters, played the best under such poor conditions!!
#4 Print Post
Posted on 01-02-2011 18:24
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you have to say the table was a shocker last night which was a shame because i still belive the farley is the best venue in the league for finals night but without a doubt both teams suffered because of this.

great comeback from 1-4 as we looked dead & buried at that point but then a great match performance from gary martyn 3/3 and mark eldridge showing some proper grit at the end and not forgetting a mention to steve & darren who both put in good performances against top opponents to keep it going to a nail biting play off.

really pleased for the team especially phil & stuart who have been in the team for yonks and never won any of the big trophies although cant belive its taken so long to get this monkey off our backs.trophyone

also credit to the eagles who are a class act in victory or defeat and always a pleasure to play against.

we may need a bigger boat..!
#5 Print Post
Posted on 01-02-2011 18:54
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Must Get Out More

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The Farley is a good table in terms of the layout, three tables with a balcony overlooking them, but all three tables are deader than a dead, dead thing and everyone has to huddle round the radiators because it's bloody freezing.

#6 Print Post
Posted on 01-02-2011 19:19
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longshanks wrote:
The Farley is a good table in terms of the layout, three tables with a balcony overlooking them, but all three tables are deader than a dead, dead thing and everyone has to huddle round the radiators because it's bloody freezing.

#7 Print Post
Posted on 01-02-2011 19:25
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congrats to the Cuemasters,have to agree with everything Sean said, I made the mistake of only playing Metin once,to accomadate every body. Just a quick question,what are Gary & Mark doing next winter,only joking,well done
#8 Print Post
Posted on 01-02-2011 19:30
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Really great to c a few eagles boys come on here and say well done top notch, was it the greatest standard no but we really did look down and out and full credit to the lads to monut a big comeback metion to Gary Martin who wAs full me top notch on the night beating Metin Sean and hugh on the night not easy by a long chalk,as for me the in off on the black was up they with the worst ever I was just lucky I had a chance to make up for it later on on the night, full cerdit to the eagles they take losing just as well as they take winnning well done all
#9 Print Post
Posted on 01-02-2011 19:56
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Ps sorry bout my spelling I blame my fat fingers on my new iPhone!!!
#10 Print Post
Posted on 01-02-2011 21:01
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Home From Home

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yes, well done the Cuemasters, worthy winners by all accounts...
can't help thinking they had an advantage as this is their practice venue...
#11 Print Post
Posted on 01-02-2011 23:03
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Home From Home

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handbrake wrote:
Ps sorry bout my spelling I blame my fat fingers on my new iPhone!!!

Don't worry mate, we can work on that tonight!! lol. Might spend a few minutes on punctuation too....Grin

Just wondering who from the Cue Masters practises at the Farley? I don't know anyone, but maybe I'm wrong confused

P.S. - G was censored awesome last night!!
#12 Print Post
Posted on 01-02-2011 23:58
Must Get Out More

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I think you need to look at the picture under Andys post.

Anyhow, congrats to the Cue Masters, a little ironic that the year that the there former home Bromley Snooker Club was destroyed, they have secured their first major.

Obviously we will be smarting a little, not that I played in any part of it, but hey its not the end of the world and I am sure we pick ourselves up for the league and league cup campaigns.
#13 Print Post
Posted on 02-02-2011 00:57
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Must Get Out More

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Weird that you should mention that Shaggy, because on the way home I drove past the site of the old club to see that they had finally demolished it.
#14 Print Post
Posted on 02-02-2011 16:56
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Must Get Out More

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No longer will they be known as the 'Poomasters'.

Well done to Phil, Stuart, Andy & co, and I echo the sentiments - it was very long overdue. Of course, you will still need to add another title to this one to begin to rival the greatest side to have graced Beckenham & Bromley borders. Wink

As for the Ego's, again no treble and another boring year chasing the double. Hardly unexpected given a quarter of your team bleeds Eden...

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